Thursday, October 15, 2009

What did he say?

The boys are constantly saying things that catch us off guard. I can't possibly remember them all, but a few stick out and I want to write them down. The boys are so funny at this age and although I feel like a referee most of the time, I find that I am also laughing ALOT!

The other day Will was being mean to Wyatt and started feeling guilty I guess. I don't know, maybe he just felt the need to explain. He said, "you know why I was being mean? Because I just had an accident from being nice." The tone in his voice was like that was totally logical and it must be okay because it was just an accident!

Trent told me this story yesterday about Will. He was picking him up from school and Will had said something smarty pants to a friend before leaving. The girl said, "Will, your dad is here." and Will replied "I know that...I am 5 now." Trent corrected him and said, "Will - just because you are 5 doesn't mean you know everything." Will said, "Yes I do". Then Trent said, "Okay then, I bet you don't know what 100 plus 100 is?" Will thought for a second and replied, "Yes I do...It's a number". Again, completely logical!

Wyatt's favorite phrase right now is "monkey shower, ha ha". This comes from the theme song of the Phineas and Pherb cartoon. They say something about giving a monkey a shower and Wyatt laughs and laughs. Then he goes around all day saying, "Monkey shower ha ha".
He also loves to say "puddin head". It sounds curiously similar to "booty head" when he says it but he gets in trouble for saying that so he insists it's "puddin head".
It's also pretty funny when he gets frustrated at Will and screams the last word in the phrase. Like "no touch my FEEEETTTT!"

The pictures from Will's birthday party and bottom view farms are coming soon.....

1 comment:

Rachel said...

These are hilarious!! I can't wait to document things that Mason says....He is starting to repeat words in his baby babble...and so it begins.