Monday, October 26, 2009

Couponing is contagious!

Several of my friends are what I would call "Extreme Couponers". After hearing their stories and wonderful deals, I have become very interested in this whole couponing thing. I'm talking about deals like $150 worth of groceries for $30 and sometimes actually receiving money back from the cashier when checking out!!! It's really unbelievable but true. Now, to be this extreme, you have to be VERY good at collecting and organizing coupons as well as knowing all the tricks of the trade. I typically grocery shop at Wal-Mart but have recently switched to Publix for the coupon thing. They double coupons up to a certain amount, accept competitors coupons and you can stack multiple coupons per item (manufacturer and store). They have great sales that you can also use the coupons on top of and it works out great from what I've heard! Most of the girls say they save around 50% per trip! That's worth the time and effort to me!!!

For my first real venture today, I did pretty good. (I went last week too but didn't have that many coupons and didn't really understand all the tricks). Today, I spent $113 and saved $45!! That's around a 30% savings...not bad for my first try!!! I'm still learning and it takes a while to collect enough coupons to get the big savings but I'm happy with saving $45!!!!
The website that gives all the great info is . They also gave a hint today on restaurant deals. I bought a $25 gift certificate for Septembers for ....wait for it... $2!!!!

It must be the new baby coming that has me all into saving money. Sort of a nesting thing maybe. I actually researched online today the cheaper place to buy diapers with this certain coupon I had. I literally broke it down to how much per diaper, found the deal and I'm going tomorrow to get them. We also changed our health benefits last night for annual enrollment and will be saving approx. $1400 per year!! ($2400 on premium savings but will probably pay about $1000 of that back with out of pocket expenses) My next big thing is to determine if refinancing our current mortgage is going to be worth the cost. The interest rates are really low but we're just not decided if it will be worth it or not. Anyway, I just get so excited about good deals and have to share my excitement!!
It's so great to save money!

1 comment:

Chasity @ Haute Mommy Blog said...

I saved 70% today at Kroger! I paid $13 for a basket full of stuff. I don't coupon often, but one of my girlfriends sent me a link to that outlined exactly which coupons I needed. It was a nice feeling paying next to nothing for a ton of Pilsbury cookies to slice and bake. = )