Tuesday, March 29, 2011

9 Month Pictures

So Spring Break has come and gone and still no post about it. We had loads of fun, did loads of things and had loads of warm sunshiny days. Will is now back in school after 2 weeks and I really need to document our adventures before I forget. It's on my to do list....meanwhile, today I took Weston for his 9 month pictures (please pay no mind to the age ticker on the right saying Weston is 10 months, 2 weeks and 2 days old) these are his 9 month pictures okay? okay.
As usual I had trouble narrowing down the cute pictures and bought WAAAYYY too many. The good news is that usually qualifies for the free dvd with all the pictures to take home. So.... I tried to sort through them AGAIN and post my favorite 16 poses :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

10 Months and growing


10 Months old and Weston is growing and changing every day! He weighs a little over 19 lbs, loves to play ball and crawl around. He started crawling the day he turned 10 months old! He is also pulling up on everything.
Weston is so playful and happy! He will catch the ball, laugh, throw the ball and laugh some more. As you can see, he is still loves to express himself through facial expressions.
It has been so pretty outside lately and when you say, "Weston, do you want to go outside?", he squeals so loud, grins and starts waving his arms. Last weekend, we put a quilt outside with his toys and he had the best time! He loved to touch the grass and squeal, and when Grizzly came around, the squeals went to another whole level! He ADORES Grizzly. He laughs and laughs and squeals whenever Griz comes around. He pets him and gives him "love".
Weston has also learned to wave "bye bye". He smiles, says "bye bye bye bye" and waves his arms like crazy.

He has 1 sharp little tooth now and is getting 1-3 more as well. He has 1 on the bottom front and the other bottom tooth is just about to come through. The 2 tops ones are swollen and hurting so he is constantly chewing on anything and keeping his gums clamped together.

This mobility thing is getting pretty funny. Like I said, he is crawling and pulling up, so if I leave him alone for a little bit, he's gonna get into something! The other day, he was in the playroom and when I peeked in to check on him, I found this.

He had pulled everything out of this cubby and crawled right up into it!
Everything on the floor is what he pulled out!

I said, "Weston, what are you doing?" and he turned and laughed :)

Weston is our happy little fella. He is really enjoying his brothers being home for spring break. I'll post all of our spring break adventures very soon!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Has anyone seen my zip?

**warning...long rambly post to follow**

Most people don't watch as many cartoons as I do, but that's just one of the perks of having young kids. I am hip to all the cool cartoons lately. Yeah, I know it's cool. Anyway.....I seem to be comparing myself to cartoons lately and one in particular stands out. Jungle Junction, the episode where Zutor loses her zip. She can't find it anywhere... by the end they realize it's just due to lack of sleep. Maybe that's where my zip has gone. Maybe I just need more sleep to function properly the next day. It's not like Weston's keeping me up. He does get up sometimes in the night, but I would love if I could go to bed whenever I wanted and sleep until I wanted to get up. No alarm clocks, no babies crying, no kids coughing through the night, no rush in the mornings, just nice relaxing sleep and a natural wake up. Oooohhh that would be nice. When I was pregnant the doc asked me how I was feeling and I said, "fine, just really tired" and he said, "well, the good news is, that will only last another 18 years". I have found something that really gives me a nice artificial zip. This is fairly common to most people, but to me it's a new discovery, a real mommy must have.....C.O.F.F.E.E. Yes, baby #3 has officially turned me into a coffee drinker. Every day.  Without my coffee, I am pretty much in zombie mode. I read on a mommy blog where she referenced the first year with baby as  "baby survival mode year".  That sums it up. I am in survival mode right now. Just doing what I can to get by each day. Some things that are - and have been - severely slipping are : exercise, daily bible study, budgeting, couponing, cleaning and decorating. I do a little of each of these, but my goal is to get back to a nice organized life with routines and order.
Okay, enough rambling....the original purpose of this post was to talk about the kids. Will has just completed his very first basketball season!!! Yay!! He loved basketball. He's still learning rules and developing his skills, but the overall experience was very fun for him! He got a cool trophy at the end of the season.

His team won 4 games and lost 3 with an average of 11 points per game. At this age, there is a HUGE difference in skill level. On Will's team, there were 2-3 kids that really stood out and made all the points and everyone else kind of jogged along behind them. Literally, jogged behind them...well, okay, sometimes they skipped along behind them, but you get the idea.

The blond haired boy is one of the "experienced" players. See Will behind everyone with his arms up? He loved to keep those arms up the entire time!

He got more aggressive as the season went on.

And he got to take the ball down the court a few times.

During warm-ups, he would make most shots and at home practicing, he makes most shots. Once he gains confidence, I think he'll become more aggressive and participate more in the games. It didn't matter to him if he even touched the ball,  he loved playing the game!

Weston and Wyatt enjoyed going to the gym to watch Will. Wyatt is looking forward to getting bigger so he can do all these things too. At least that's what he says right now.

On other topic, Wyatt has really improved on his drawing skills lately. Normally he draws "roller coasters" which are colorful, squiggly lines that go round and round. He surprised me the other day by drawing a picture of himself and daddy holding hands. I was so proud of him (as you can see he was proud too!). We emailed this picture to Trent.

Spring Break is coming up next week, my buttercups are blooming and the pretty pink trees are starting to add a little color to the world! Wyatt starts soccer tonight, Will starts baseball next week and Weston is getting a few teeth! Welcome Spring!