Friday, September 3, 2010

I speak Wyatt

Yes it's true. I am completely fluent in "Wyatt". You've never heard of this language before? Well, it's spoken around our house all the time and I seem to be the only one (besides Wyatt himself) that understands. He has such a deep voice and combine that with the strong "Wyatt" accent, it gets difficult to understand sometimes. When Wyatt talks to grown-ups at church, school, grocery stores, etc, this is what happens. The grown-up will lean down, ask him a question, say "oh, uh huh" and pretend to understand everything, then they'll look up at me with this "I have no idea what this child is saying, please help" look and I'll translate his response to the more common "English" language. It's a system that works fairly well for now. Hopefully soon, his ESL classes will start to show some results. Oh well, at least I'll have a bilingual preschooler - that's pretty cool right?! In the meantime, here is a short cheat sheet for some of the cuter things he says.

Hop-cycle course - translates to: obstacle course

Example quote from yesterday: "My built a hop-cycle course with balls today mommy"

Ottoman- translates to: Almond

Example: "My really really want some ottomans mommy"

Buttons - translates to top portion of female anatomy

Example quote from last week: "My want big buttons too mommy. And my want milk in them." Don't worry, I talked to him about that one.

He is really very sweet with his comments and is constantly coming over with a big hug and saying, "My like you mommy".

Nannie was giving him an "Eskimo kiss" the other day and he asked, "why that called Eskimo kiss?" He then answered his own question and said, "is that how Eskimos love?" So sweet!

He loves to sing, especially at the piano but he WILL NOT sing if you ask him to or if anyone is looking. Here is an example:
He was singing "Jesus Loves Me" at the piano. I got my camera out very discretely and started filming him. He sees me, stops what he is doing and then refuses to sing anymore. In fact, a couple of days later, he sat down at the piano and said to himself, "I really want to sing Jesus Loves Me but mommy will take my picture." I told him I wouldn't, but he didn't actually start singing until I put the camera up in a cabinet and promised I wouldn't even listen to him. Whew... he's a stubborn little stinker!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I hate to say that I'm one of those people that look to you to translate!There, I left you a comment! Ha Ha Ha