Wednesday, September 15, 2010

4 Months ....for now

Weston Jack turned 4 months old on Monday. Yes, 4 months old....that means he can start eating cereal and vegetables and start rolling over and before I know it, he'll be crawling and talking and then starting kindergarten. Okay... deep breath... the time is going so quickly! I wish he would stay in this happy baby stage for a little while longer. Everyone says, "I can't wait until they start doing this or that....", well, I say -I've been there before and it doesn't get any easier! Sure, some things get better like the nursing every 3 hours and changing diapers constantly and carrying him everywhere, but as they grow you are introduced to a whole new kind of busy!
The journey of parenting is ever changing and a constant challenge. I guess that's what makes it interesting!

Back to the present...Weston is officially 4 months old.
He weighs 15lbs and is 25 inches long. This puts him in the 60th percentile on both stats. He is still VERY happy. I really think he is the happiest baby ever. He hardly ever fusses just to fuss. He is either hungry, tired or has a poopy diaper when he cries, and once that is fixed, back to happy...seriously!

This month he has really started using his hands. He likes to grab his foo-foo, pull it out of his mouth and then try really hard to get it back in. In fact, he is doing this exact thing right now on the floor beside me. He can't get it back in yet, but he doesn't fuss about it, nope, he just keeps trying. He also loves to grab toys and examine them. He's not really playing yet, but he is sure interested in giving them a good look over. He LOVES, LOVES, LOVES to cuddle with a blanket or his bear. He cuddles them in his arms and rubs his face. So sweet!
(update on him playing in the floor beside me...In the few minutes it took me to type this out, he tried to get his foo-foo back in but couldn't, didn't fuss about it, cuddled his little bear and went to sleep. How easy is that?!)

Anyway, he has also found that his feet make a pretty interesting play toy.

Notice the "John Black look" - yeah, he gets that from Trent!

I'm pretty happy that he can stay occupied with his feet and a few toys right now, because next week we are leaving for Disney World!  Hopefully he won't get too bored riding around in his stroller all the time! Will and Wyatt are SOOO excited!!I can't wait to go and I'll be sure to take lots of pictures!

1 comment:

Mitchell, Blair, and Annie said...

The John Black look is cracking me up! He has that one down! I hope you guys have a great trip to Disney!