Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Yesterday we asked Will if he wanted to take his training wheels off and try to ride his bike. He said, "YES...Yay!!" We were at Memur and Pepaw's house and they have a nice long, grassy, gradual hill that would be perfect for practicing his 2-wheel skills. He was SOOOO excited but asking lots of questions at the same time. Will tends to blurt out whatever is on his mind at the time, so questions that some people would have but not voice, are always voiced with Will! He was so excited and asking, "what if I fall? Will it hurt? What if I can't get back up again? What happens when I need to stop? What should I do when I go too fast?".....and on and on and on. He asked about 50 questions in a 2 minute time span. Anyway, he jumped on, Trent pushed him around 1 lap and then let go. He never fell down! He kept going and going. He did great! When he started to lean too much, he put his feet down to catch himself. He can start on his own and stop on his own. He even got going really fast down the hill, took both feet off the pedals said, "wheee" , caught himself again and kept going!
He did a great job and is an official 2-wheeler now!

1 comment:

Jane said...

I remember another time you took the training wheels off a little boy's bike. You were about 10 yrs old and he was about 5 yrs old. I don't think that went as smoothly as Will's adventure, though.