Friday, May 4, 2012

15 Scary Pictures and 3 Beautiful Ones

The phone call… honey, I’ve been in a wreck. It’s bad. I’m bleeding. It’s my head and hands but I’m okay. The other person is okay. Gotta go. “
The next phone call… honey, I’m in an ambulance they are taking me to Hendersonville Hospital but I’m okay I’ll tell you more later.

That’s not a fun call to get.  Trent was on Vietnam vets bypass going in the flow of traffic (at least 50 mph according to him) when he looked down for just a second to adjust something that had slid around in the floorboard. When he looked up the car in front of him was standing still. He didn’t even have time to brake.

He did not have his seat belt on....

That could have been his head through the windshield, but luckily, it was his hand.

If he had been looking with his head down for a split second more, he could have a broken neck.

Luckily, nothing is broken.
Well, except the truck.

It's totalled.

 It's never good to see actual ground between the truck's bumper and the grill.

And little things dangling off

The truck was so badly damaged that the brakes quit working.
 After the initial impact, Trent kept pumping the brakes, but couldn't stop.

With the engine a mangled mess, he was barrelling down the road trying to get the truck stop and not hit anyone else.

The cops said he was a "good 1/4 mile down the road" before he finally came to a stop. He had to swerve toward the grassy median and start back up the hill before the truck lost momentum.

It was amazing that neither him nor the other car hit anyone else.
He knocked her car one way and he went the other direction.

Going back to look through the truck was awful!!
Trent couldn't get the door open.
 He was bleeding and confused and rattled.
He had to kick the door with both feet to get out.

The nice lady behind him watched what happened and followed Trent until his truck came to a stop. She helped him out and helped him call me.

Once the kids were dropped off and I got to the hospital, Trent was already getting x-rays. When they brought him back to the room, he looked terrible. Blood everywhere, coffee everywhere but the biggest smile on his face!!
Then they had to pick glass, piece by piece out of him for what seemed like FOREVER - not smiling so much through that!
All in all, the only injury was from him punching the windshield with his left hand. Besides that, sore muscles and a few small scrapes and bruises, he came out just fine. Thank you Lord!!

We can replace that silly ol truck.

But Trent is something very special.

You can't put a price on this beautiful Husband.
This beautiful Daddy.
This beautiful son and friend.

Trent, God gave us so much when he gave us you.
We Love You!!
Oh, and don't ever scare us like that again!!!

Your family


Cindy said...

OMG that is so scary! I'm glad he's okay. I can't believe his hand went through the windshield like that!

Kimberly said...

I haven't met you yet, Trent, but please, please say you'll join us all in the Seatbelt club from now on!!

Yikes! But I'm with you Jen. Thank you, Lord, indeed!

Jane said...

I agree, Jennifer. Trent is special, and can never be replaced. It was a blessed day when he became a part of our family!