Thursday, June 2, 2011

Weston - 1 year old!

What?.....Did I miss something?

I mean, I turn around for one minute and somebody has a birthday?  

Yes, it's Weston. He is officially 1 year old!

One year ago, we were just bringing the little snuggle bug home from the hospital. 

And now.....

...he's into everything!

What have we been doing lately?
Chasing Weston of course!

He loves to help mommy with the dishes (climbing into the dishwasher and dragging everything out) , and sweeping (loves to get to the dirt pile before me so he can attempt to swipe a "treat" from the floor), and of course laundry - that one's just fun. But his most favorite thing to do right now is play ball!!

He plays ball with everything! And if no one throws back with him, he's content to chase the ball around the room by himself. He is still soooo happy! He smiles all the time and has the biggest personality! Some of my favorite hugs are when he yells, "ahma" (momma) and he grabs on so tight to my face and says, "ahhhh". It's so sweet!Also, when I'm changing his diaper, he'll grab my arm, pull it to his face and give it a great big hug.

For his 12 month appointment, he weighed 20 lbs 5 oz (25th percentile) and his height was 29 inches (25th percentile). Very healthy except for those pesky ear infections. He had an ear infection for almost 2 months and took 3 rounds of antibiotics but just this week was completely cleared of any infection or fluid! Yay!! If he gets another one anytime soon, we'll have to visit the ENT to see about tubes...yuck!
Weston loves to "talk"...imagine that....and he is starting to answer questions that we ask him. I ask "are you all done or do you want more?" and he'll answer with the "more" signed motion or throw both hands palm up for "all done". While he does this he usually says something like "or" (more) or "ahdd" (all done). I'll ask, "you want to go rock-a-bye?" and he'll say, "ya" or "no" - doesn't always mean that's what we'll do though! I ask, "do you have a stinky in there?" and if so he'll grin really big and laugh, if not, then usually he'll just say, "no". I'm starting to learn his language and it's making things much less stressful around here!
Of course, he still says "dada" and sometimes "daddy". He can also say, "ba" (ball), "bubba" (brother/s), "uh eww" (I'm convinced this is I love you), "dink" (drink), and lots more he adds each day.
He LOVES, LOVES, LOVES dogs. He calls for "gizy" (Grizzly) all the time and any dog or furry animal he sees he says "gizy". He usually screams and squeals at them and gets very excited clapping his hands and jumping/dancing.

For his birthday party we had a combined 1st birthday and sports ball theme, and he loved it!

There were all kinds of little Weston-sized balls for him to throw around!

When we started singing happy birthday, he was all smiles, at first....then he got really mad that he couldn't reach the candle. It was pretty funny watching him trying to get to the cake....

But when he finally got it, he wasn't very thrilled!
After a few bites, he was lovin it!

Weston has taken a few steps on his own, but he's not walking yet. He is a very good walker while holding on to something, but lacks the confidence to let go just yet. He prefers to feed himself while eating and can use a fork and spoon pretty good! It's pretty messy but he gets the job done! He sleeps from 8pm - 6 or 7 am and takes 2 naps per day. In between those times, he is either moving or eating. Weston is a happy, loving, adventurous, expressive little baby boy who loves to laugh at his brothers and follow them everywhere! We love you Weston! Happy Birthday!!

1 comment:

Holly and Jason Campbell said...

he is getting so big, i wish we could have been there, i still need to get him something, what does he need... another ball lol