Monday, February 15, 2010

The "Fun" Snow of 2010

Isn't it beautiful!?! So I'm finally posting some pictures of all the fun we had playing in the big snow storm of 2010 a few weeks back. I'm calling this the "fun snow" because we have had so much of the nasty, soggy, mess-up-your-day snow that does nothing but freeze the ground and then get nice and muddy when the temps rise a little. It looks really pretty falling from the sky, but it doesn't accumulate to much. spite of the yucky weather lately, here are some fun, happy pictures of real snow!
Will loved playing in the snow. We got about 4 inches at our house and some places had 6 and 7 inches! We went sledding in the neighborhood first and then ventured to Mom and Dad's house to play on bigger hills.

Wyatt and Trent getting ready to walk up the hill on our street. Wyatt still didn't like sledding but enjoyed being outside in the snow.

This was so cute...didn't work too well, but it was cute!

Will smiled all day!

Wyatt was smiling under that big hat!

The one and only time Wyatt got on his sled. He didn't ride, just posed for the picture :)

A neighbor let us ride their fun sled too. This went way faster than our circle ones!

We got to Mom and Dad's and got out the OLD sled (as Mom kept saying, "it's over 60 years old") but it didn't work too well in the deep snow. It was just not packed down enough for this one!

Of course, we had to try the 4-wheelers. Ours wouldn't go at our house but maybe the one at Nannie and Papa's will!!!......

Nope, even with a good push from Daddy, no luck!

We had fun anyway. Found a great steep hill that would go really fast!! Nannie and Will had so much fun!!!

Aren't they cute!

This was a giant hill at Mrs. Jennifer's beside Nannie and Papa's house.
Nannie was a trooper! She kept up with Will all day!! Even with falls like this :) Trent was the designated pusher, so he didn't get much slide time. He did get on a few times and attempt it though! I wish I had video of his "inch worm"!! It was hilarious!!! He put both circle sleds together - hands on one, knees on the other- and "inched" his way down the hill. Too funny!!!!
Will not only loved sledding down the hill, but he also loved falling off at the end! He would barrel roll down the hill after he fell off the sled! He was COVERED in snow!

Now....we've had our fun and we've seen all the picturesque snowy landscapes...bring on Spring!!!

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