Monday, March 21, 2011

10 Months and growing

10 Months old and Weston is growing and changing every day! He weighs a little over 19 lbs, loves to play ball and crawl around. He started crawling the day he turned 10 months old! He is also pulling up on everything.
Weston is so playful and happy! He will catch the ball, laugh, throw the ball and laugh some more. As you can see, he is still loves to express himself through facial expressions.
It has been so pretty outside lately and when you say, "Weston, do you want to go outside?", he squeals so loud, grins and starts waving his arms. Last weekend, we put a quilt outside with his toys and he had the best time! He loved to touch the grass and squeal, and when Grizzly came around, the squeals went to another whole level! He ADORES Grizzly. He laughs and laughs and squeals whenever Griz comes around. He pets him and gives him "love".
Weston has also learned to wave "bye bye". He smiles, says "bye bye bye bye" and waves his arms like crazy.

He has 1 sharp little tooth now and is getting 1-3 more as well. He has 1 on the bottom front and the other bottom tooth is just about to come through. The 2 tops ones are swollen and hurting so he is constantly chewing on anything and keeping his gums clamped together.

This mobility thing is getting pretty funny. Like I said, he is crawling and pulling up, so if I leave him alone for a little bit, he's gonna get into something! The other day, he was in the playroom and when I peeked in to check on him, I found this.

He had pulled everything out of this cubby and crawled right up into it!
Everything on the floor is what he pulled out!

I said, "Weston, what are you doing?" and he turned and laughed :)

Weston is our happy little fella. He is really enjoying his brothers being home for spring break. I'll post all of our spring break adventures very soon!

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