Monday, February 21, 2011

9 Months

Weston at 9 months old. 
Height: 27 1/2 inches - 50th percentile
Weight: 18 lbs 7 oz - 45th percentile
Eats: stage 3 baby food, puffs, cheereos, bread, soft table food, anything he can get into his mouth
Nurses : about 5 times per day (give or take one depending on his mood)
Drinks: We are attempting sippy cups, but he is mostly interested in chewing them and banging them on his boster tray. He does like to drink out of regular cups that we have to hold to his mouth...we are really pushing the sippy cups!
Sleeps: Weston sleeps from about 8:00pm - 6:00am at night and then naps a couple of times during the day. He is simply refusing to nap at consistent times and lengths...okay, maybe that has to do with our crazy schedule right now, but I'm really working on getting him into a nice nap routine.
Says: still saying dada for everything, but he can sign "more" and he really understands what we are saying. I know this because I'll say something like, "do you want to eat?" and he smiles so big and laughs. He can also wave bye bye.
Mobility: He's not crawling, still rolling everywhere. That is Weston's preferred mode of mobility right now...the roll. He sits up, leans forward on his hands and knees and then flops on his belly.

It really looks like his is going to crawl any day now....

He will even reach out for toys on his hands and knees....

But nope. Not gonna crawl.

Weston does love to stand up though. He'll stand in his playpen holding on to the side and his little head isn't even over the top! He'll stand there for a really long time and move from the corner to the side and back to the corner and even play music and dance! He also loves to stand up against anything he can hold to.

He's getting brave and letting go with one hand!

He is getting so big and now that he rolls all over the place, it really keeps me on my toes! He almost rolled down the steps today and I jumped halfway across the bonus room to catch him! The baby gate went back up immediately!

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