Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Good Morning

This morning I walked into the boys room with the usual, "Good morning boys. Time to get up, wakey wakey." .....nothin....."boys, time to get up. Let's go.".....nothin....I give a little shakey, shakey to Will, "Come on, we're going to be late." At least he's breathing, that's a good thing. "Okay, ya'll sleep a little bit longer while I get your clothes ready." ....Clothes are ready, "Will get up and go potty right now." He gets up and I look to Wyatt's bed and see this.

"Where's Wyatt?" He didn't get up yet....he scooted all the way under the covers and I hear a muffled voice coming from somewhere under there. "What Wyatt? I can't hear you under the covers." Wyatt screams, "Mommy!....My good night sleep is not over yet."

Meanwhile, Will is back and getting dressed with his eyes only half open. (and I wonder why my bathrooms are so disgusting) Suddenly, Will says, "uh Mom, we have a serious problem here." I turn to look and he has his pj shirt stuck on his head inside out with his arms stuck up in the air over his head. I was laughing so hard I forgot to get a picture. He eventually got dressed and ended up like this...
Weston was happy and squealing ALL MORNING LONG! He loves to watch his brothers and squeal loudly.

We were a little slow this morning but we made it. 

In other news, Will has his very first basketball practice tonight. He is super excited!

Christmas is quickly approaching and the excitement is spreading around here. We haven't gone to see Santa yet, but we are planning on making the trip soon. The boys do have a direct line to Santa though. They have Frethan the Elf on the Shelf. (Thanks Hanna!) They LOVE LOVE LOVE this elf. Each night, Frethan (they named him a combo of Fred and Ethan) uses his Christmas magic to fly back to the north pole and report to Santa all the good and bad things the boys have done that day. The next morning he flys back and lands in a different spot.

The boys are amazed each morning when they find Frethan. I say, "How did he get up there?" and they say, "He used his Christmas magic Mom!" Wyatt will say things during the day like " Will, the shelf on the elf is watching" (he gets a little mixed up sometimes!) Yesterday Wyatt was whining about something he didn't want to do. He started pouting and I said, "Wyatt, is that how we are supposed to act?"...nothin..."Is that how Mommy and Daddy want you to act?"....nothin..."Is that how God wants you to act?"....still nothin...."Is that how Frethan wants you to act?"...He perked right up, smiled and said, "noooooo!"

I see where I stand!

1 comment:

Mitchell, Blair, and Annie said...

We LOVE our elf! Ernie promotes such good behavior!