Monday, November 8, 2010

Gee Thanks :- P

This little post is coming as a request from everyone around us who think this story is hilarious. I, however, do not see the humor in it. I will go ahead and post in hopes that one day, when I am skinny again, I will be able to laugh.
Last week as we finished a very yummy supper I patted my tummy and made the comment, "whew, I'm so full. I have stuffed myself." Will looks at me and says, "yeah Mom, you're fat." Trent and I both gave him a little lesson on etiquette and how saying that would really hurt someone's feelings. We don't call people fat. In an attempt to redeem himself, he gets a big smile on his face and in a happy little voice says, "Wow Mom! I REALLY like your tummy. You must have eaten ALOT!"....."is that better?"

Yep, Will, that's SOOO much better!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Thats like when he was little, and yall told him not to say fat, but to say round.( or something like that). Then he was rubbing my arm and saying how round I was. lol