Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Baby Check-Up and Checking In

I had my 16 week check-up today and everything went good. I only gained 2 lbs which was very exciting :) especially since the 2 previous pregnancies it was more like 10lbs for each check-up! The doctor heard the heartbeat very quickly and said the baby was moving all around. He said I should start feeling it soon :) I also got to schedule my ultrasound appt!! So... we go in 2 weeks to see the little baby and find out if it's a boy or girl! It's scheduled for December 23rd - right before Christmas. I was so excited because I thought we would have to wait until January to find out :) Trent and I would both love to have a girl, but a boy would be great too. It doesn't really matter to us...a healthy baby is a blessing no matter what!

In other news, we are getting ready for Christmas and it's looking very festive around here! Normally, for outside decorations, we put up lighted garland with bows, but that's it. This year, we acquired lots of decorations from Trent's parents move and have a fun, festive yard! The boys think it's sooo cool! Each time we leave the driveway, Wyatt says, "bye bye Christmas lights." followed by "bye bye Santa". Will says, "woah, that's neat" when we pull up. I can't wait until this weekend when Trent is going to attempt to put up the icicle lights!

The boys are very excited to visit Santa and tell him all the things they want for Christmas. So far from Will it's all about Star Wars stuff and Wyatt wants "fourwheewer and motorcycle".
I'll post some pictures from the visit.

The boys are both well for the moment after a few weeks of cruddiness. Will had a terrible cough and still coughs when he runs around for a while, but is pretty much better. Wyatt started with coughing and it went to Croup. We had a fun few days of steroid medicine for him, but the only symptom left is a snotty nose that just won't go away! I guess it's just that time of year! :)

More posts soon with pictures - hopefully NOT of Trent falling off the ladder :)

Merry Christmas!!

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