We have a calendar that Will is marking the days with a candy cane and it's so cute to see him run over each day and say "what number are we today?!" He also counts how many days we have left until Christmas Eve. Only 8 Days away!! The boys (Will mainly) have been very into Christmas movies this year too. His favorite is Rudolph and I found 2 new Rudolph movies that we recorded for him. He LOVES "the 2nd Rudolph" as he calls it. It's a 2002 sequel to the original movie with all the same characters and a few new ones. So cute!!
The other big thing this year is Christmas cookies. Will has been asking over and over to make Christmas cookies, specifically gingerbread cookies with "raisins for eyes, a currant for a nose and a pink sugar candy waistcoat". Okay...I believe this came from the Gingerbread Man golden book, but it's hilarious to hear him say it. We had to buy the supplies at the grocery the other day with a few changes to recipe! (I have no idea what a currant is and not too big on the pink sugar candy waistcoat!) We have raisins and colorful icing to make ours. We will attempt this on Friday!
The boys look so cute running around in their jammies, I just had to snap some pics near the tree!

Wyatt loving his "puppy dog".
Of course, Will still has "Mr. bear". Isn't this sweet brotherly love!?
The next big thing we have done lately is set up the boy's bunk beds! We bought them Thanksgiving weekend, but just put them up this weekend. The boys think it's so cool! I love this set because it has steps instead of a ladder, and it has drawers on the side!
Wonderful when you are trying to pack 2 boys with TONS of clothes into a room that's not exactly huge!

Wyatt loves to sleep and play on his "big boy bed". He says, "dis my bed on bottom. Will's up dere". He's been doing pretty good sleeping at night here. He goes to sleep no problem, but if he wakes up in the night, he gets scared and calls for us. I guess the changing rooms and beds at the same time is alot to handle!
Wyatt loves to sleep and play on his "big boy bed". He says, "dis my bed on bottom. Will's up dere". He's been doing pretty good sleeping at night here. He goes to sleep no problem, but if he wakes up in the night, he gets scared and calls for us. I guess the changing rooms and beds at the same time is alot to handle!
Girl, this is the good stuff!
Okay the picture of Wyatt on Trent's leg is priceless! I couldn't stop laughing. Also, I think you should have another boy. The two you have are just so dang cute! You do boys well....okay, that sounded bad...but you know what I'm saying. :)
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