Santa brought them an Arctic Cat - motorized ride on toy similar to a jeep with a bed in the back for hauling stuff. We are still amazed wondering how Santa got that into the bonus room!! He also brought them games and books among various other toys. Will got a star wars helmet and space ship (he had already gotten light sabers and guns from family!) and Wyatt got a bumblebee helmet and a car garage/race track thing. They must have been extra special this year because they got more toys than 2 boys could ever play with!! Well, I guess that's a challenge any 5 yr old and 2 yr old would love to take on. This past week the boys have played with every single toy they got. It's been fun because the toys are scattered all around the house (like I said, we're still trying to make room for them) and they play and play and get excited when they see something they haven't touched in the past few minutes.
Anyway, here are some pictures from Christmas Eve at Nannie and Papa's house and then later Christmas Eve we went to Memur and Pepaw's. That's the last of my picture taking. The next morning for Santa gifts and the 3 places we went that day aren't recorded.
Wyatt with his stash...of course, he's holding a motorcycle!
This is just mischievous...what's he up to?
Wyatt riding his cool blue motorcycle
Nannie and Papa got all 4 boys a big surprise and this was a hint. Will is saying, "what's this helmet for?" and Wyatt is saying, "whooaa"
When they went outside, they found the surprise. A razor 4-wheeler. This has a real metal frame and real tires and goes MUCH faster than their other power wheel toys! Helmet is required!! The boys LOVED it!
Will and Landon did great. There's alot to learn with this one including the hand brakes! No foot pedals anymore!
Even Wyatt got to ride with the condition that Daddy ran with him. Or, at least attempted to run with him, Wyatt was a little speed demon!
Of course a wreck was inevitable...Will was the driver and forgot to slow down before turning...rookie mistake! He got up laughing and jumped right back on!
Again, Daddy trying to keep up just in case he needed a sudden stop. Wyatt's hands aren't big enough to grab the brakes!
After a fun morning, we went home and took a nap before heading to Portland for Memur and Pepaw's.
The boys were revved up again and ready to dig into those presents!
Where's Will?!
So this is where my camera takes a break and comes back on Saturday. We spent most of that day going through the toys and getting everything out of boxes, etc. Trent was teaching Will how to play his new V-Tech Handheld video games and Wyatt just couldn't hold on any longer! So cute!
I guess the hustle and bustle of Christmas was too much this year. Trent is sick with a bad cold/sinus infection and Wyatt has the same cold plus Croup. Needless to say, lots of fun around here! It's looking like this New Year's Eve will be a nice cozy, movie watching, WII playing kind of night.
Well, we've had an absolutely great year. The boys are at such a fun age and there has been alot of playing, exploring, learning and fun! We look forward to all that 2010 has to bring! We'll have Will starting Kindergarten, Wyatt potty training and a new baby boy to add to the mix!
1 comment:
maybe after that great Christmas, Wyatt will really love Santa next year!
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