It's really amazing what all they can see in the ultrasound. She looked at all the parts of his heart, his organs even his brain! She could see fluid in the stomach which means he knows how to swallow. We got to see all his tiny fingers and toes. He even yawned a couple of times then started playing with his mouth. He would open and shut like he was making faces at us!! He was moving his arms and hands all around his face and kicking his legs. It's so neat to see!!!
Of course the actual ultrasound is much better than the stillshots, but here are the shots she got...
This picture is of his head and belly. He really looks kind of skeletonish here but we actually saw a profile of his eyes and nose! Will saw this and said, "is that a skeleton?"
And here's the "boy parts" shot! To get a perspective, it's like he is sitting on the camera and you are looking up at his butt. He has his knees in the air so you see butt check/hamstring and foot on each side with the "boy parts" hanging down in the middle!

This one was one of my favorites to see because he was laying like a baby! He is on his tummy with his legs tucked under and but up in the air. This picture is like you are straight above him. When Will saw this, he said, "He looks like a turtle mom. Like he has a shell on his back."

I would LOVE to do a 4-D ultrasound. The pictures I have seen are so beautiful and you can actually see what the baby looks like (skin, hair, facial features, etc). We are checking into it, but it's so expensive. Hopefully we'll be able to do it in a couple of months!

This one was one of my favorites to see because he was laying like a baby! He is on his tummy with his legs tucked under and but up in the air. This picture is like you are straight above him. When Will saw this, he said, "He looks like a turtle mom. Like he has a shell on his back."

I would LOVE to do a 4-D ultrasound. The pictures I have seen are so beautiful and you can actually see what the baby looks like (skin, hair, facial features, etc). We are checking into it, but it's so expensive. Hopefully we'll be able to do it in a couple of months!
I'm just glad we got to see so much today and our newest baby boy is healthy!
Christmas Eve is tomorrow!!! We've had an exciting day with more excitement to come for the next couple of days!
Merry Christmas!!!
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