Thursday, the boys and I went to visit the real life reindeer at Indian Lake (Thanks for the idea Aunt Jane!) Since Papa was watching Landon that day, they came with us too! They had 2 beautiful reindeer with HUGE antlers. The boys even got their picture made with one. After we watched the reindeer for a while, we went over to visit Santa again. I thought maybe Wyatt would do better with him, but no luck. Will was more talkative though! He even asked the lady with the reindeer if she could fly him around :)

All 3 boys watched every move he made! It was so neat!

This was the male reindeer. The people have 4 but 2 were yearlings and not ready to meet the public just yet. They said these 2 adults were extremely gentle. I didn't realize they had so much fur. Will said it was a coat to keep them warm and then after Christmas, it probably comes off.

This was the female. She was so pretty.

Like I said, Wyatt didn't want anything to do with Santa again, so Will and Landon got all the attention! Of course, Will did most of the talking :)

Landon told Santa exactly what he wanted, "rocky the robot dump truck".

Santa gave all 3 boys a candy cane, and as we were walking back to the car, I turned around and all 3 had their tongues sticking out licking like crazy. It was a picture moment!!

I don't even like candy canes but this just makes them look so yummy!!

Only 5 more days until Christmas Eve!!
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