Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Day

To steal a FB quote from a friend "the universe seems to be puking on everyone this week". I kinda feel that way right now. No wait, that was Weston puking on me, and he added a little poop to go with it. Back to that in a minute...Today was what I call "a day of great intentions with a very low success rate" kinda day.

Lets start at 4:00am when Wyatt (you know, the sweet little boy hyped up on albuterol and prednisolone who has turned into some unbelievably hpyer, loud and irritable child) had a bad dream and crawls into bed with mommy and daddy. Fast forward to 6:00am when the alarm goes off after I have been only "half sleeping" (yes this is an actual type of sleep you learn from mommyhood) for the past 2 hours. This happened to be the first night where we didn't have to wake up in the middle of the night for a treatment so I was really hoping for a good night sleep... I digress. Alarm goes off, chaos begins. Finally everyone is dressed and ready, the kids are eating, the baby is being force-fed cereal (a total mess but hopefully he'll get the hang of it soon), lunches are made, treatment completed, oops forgot to make coffee - oh well I'm in a rush anyway, who has time for coffee, we are out the door and at Will's school at 7:56am- a whole 4 minutes early! I need to go in the school today to get supplies for a PTO project but I have to circle the parking lot twice because I pass up the far away spots in hopes of a nice near the door spot. No luck- I gather all 3 kids and slowly make it across the parking lot meanwhile dodging all the parents in a hurry to drop off their kids before the bell. No supplies left. Yes, all that extra lugging kids around for nothing. Oh well, at least it's Thursday and Wyatt goes to preschool so I'll have a little down time today, maybe a nap? We make it back across the parking lot and take the van straight to a gas station because the gas light says we now have "10 miles to empty". Because of the change up in routine, Wyatt is now whining, "But I want you to drop me off at school now mommy....Mommy, it's my turn to go to school....why are we going here....getting gas is no fun..." -I said he was irritable. Deep breath, go home for 15 minutes to gather Wyatt's things - it's the October birthday party at school today so  I can't forget to get our assigned items to bring. Back in the van and head to his school. We park, get everyone out and lugg across the parking lot only to get greeted at the door by "Oh, we're not having school today because the power is out. Sorry!"  Seriously!! I have a dentist appointment in 1 hour and now have 2 kids to bring. A very sad Wyatt whines all the way back to the car, "but Mommy, I really, really, really wanted to go to school today. What about my party?!" I console Wyatt and call Dad, luckily he is not busy this morning and can watch Wyatt for me. (This cheers Wyatt right up!) We rush to Nannie and Papa's house so I can feed Weston and get BACK to Hendersonville by the appt time. I get Weston out of the carseat and HELLO we have an explosion. Attempting to change this diaper/nuclear disaster was not easy. In fact, it took me and dad both to change him. He is now fed and changed and I make it to the dentist right as she is calling my name. Whew! By 12:30, we are back home, Wyatt is napping and I'm feeding Weston again (yes it's the story of my life right now) and all is well. I have time to email the PTO pres and ask what happened with all the supplies?! Oh she took care of it all on Monday, I guess I shouldn't have been such a slacker sorry. By 1:00pm I get to go wake up Wyatt because it's time to pick up Will from school. A whole new whining session begins. We get Will and I realize I haven't renewed the tags on the van which expire in 2 days. Okay, so now we are waiting in line at MARTA with all the other slackers that wait till the last minute. This is such a fun place to be with 3 kids for 45 minutes. While in line at the county clerk (thank goodness they have a drive thru) Trent calls to see how my day is going. So sweet! Except we can't talk because Weston is screaming (yep time to eat again), Will has unbuckled and trying to console Weston which leads Wyatt to want to do the same except he can't re-buckle himself. Will trys to help - this is apparently NOT what Wyatt wants right now - after a few threats and some loud screaming, all is calmed down and we are legal again for another year. We head home to get homework, breathing treatment and baby fed. After another bad mommy moment from me with the homework situation, I leave Will to complete it on his own. He does it correctly and quickly! Go Will!! Now we rush to get to our Halloween playdate at the park for 2 hours until soccer practice begins at 5:30pm. We get everyone costumed up and head out the door only to realize it is FREEZING outside now. What happened??? I now have a baby at the park in the wind and cold in a short sleeve shirt with no socks and no blanket and we only plan to be here about 3 hours. Another bad mommy moment.
Luckily my friends let me borrow a blanket and we stayed in the sun as much as possible. The boys loved getting candy and playing in their costumes, but now it's time for soccer practice. Give the blanket back, head to the other side of the park for practice and call Trent. Oh, he's working late tonight and can't make it to practice, great. After 30 minutes of shivering in the cold, I take Weston and Wyatt back to the van and we watch practice from there. Good thing because Weston is now hungry again. This day is almost over right? We head home, call Trent (still working) and grab some bbq from Buck's. We sit down to eat at 7:00pm and Trent walks in about 10 minutes later. Whew!! So glad he's home! He's happy to give the kids a bath and put them to bed. I want to get in my pj's and crawl into bed myself (yes I know it's like 7:30 but it's been a long week) but then I realize we have no sheets on the bed because I forgot to get pull-ups for Wyatt and he slept in big boy underwear last night. Therefore, we had a nice surprise this morning when we woke him up in OUR bed. So instead I decide to document this wonderful day. I guess I can now go put sheets on the bed and make coffee for in the morning. Good night.


Mitchell, Blair, and Annie said...

Sorry you had a crazy day Jen! I don't know how you do it. You really are Super Mom! Hope you have a wonderful Friday!!!

Rachel said...

Oh. My. Gosh...I really don't know how you do it. Reading your blog is birth control..Well, I guess it's too late for that but I am pretty sure we are done after this one! Sorry for your misfortunate day but thank you for the entertainment!

Cindy said...

Bless your heart!

It was good to see you at the park yesterday. For what it's worth, you looked like you had it all together. I never would've guessed the day you'd had :-)

Jane said...

Days like these are what makes lesser women run for the classifieds to look for a paying job outside the home! Hang in there! I hear at some point your kids will realize what all you have done for them . . . but I wouldn't know about that yet:(