And he has already learned the fine art of "open mouth, insert foot"! (He gets that from Trent :)....oh...uh...I'm just kidding honey!!)
All joking aside, Weston really is settling into his very own personality. He is low maintenance, mild mannered, and extremely happy. He is very content to sit and watch his brothers, or me or tv, or really anything. He is beginning to play with toys and put everything he grabs to his mouth. I would think he would be ready to start cereal but we tried that..., he is not ready to start cereal. As I'm preparing the cereal, both Will and Wyatt were making loud gagging noises and saying, "ewwww, gross what is that? yuck!! why are you feeding that to him? that's disgusting mom" Weston is looking at me like, "Really Mom? What in the world are you feeding me?" He would open his mouth for each bite and then push it all right back out with his tongue. I know he'll learn to "acquire" the taste for rice cereal (and the boys will just have to get over that!), but maybe by next week he'll have a little more mouth/spoon coordination. On the rolling over thing, he has it down pretty good! He rolls over ALL THE TIME now but has convinced himself that he cannot make it back over from his belly. He can. I know this because I have seen it on multiple occasions. I guess sometimes he just feels the need to scream at the top of his lungs until I roll him back over. I don't know, maybe it's a game or something.
You wouldn't be playing games with mommy now would you Weston?
For his official 5 month stats: he weighs 16lbs and...that's all I got, sorry Weston. Next month will be the always fun "well baby check-up" so I'll have more stats to share then.
Meanwhile, here are some more pictures of him in the gray, plaid highchair. (Note to self, take more pictures of Weston when he's NOT in the highchair)
I'm Happy |
I'm Playing |
I'm cute as a button!! |
yes, he is just as cute as a button!
He did the same thing to me today when i was watching him! I thought he couldn't roll back over, until I rolled him and he laughed his head off! And yes, he's cute as a button! He related to me! lol
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