On Monday we visited Cades Cove and on the drive up, we stopped at a creek beside the road to let the kids play.
The baby bear actually came right in front of our van, crossed the road and here he is in the ditch on the other side of the road as we drove by. So cool!!
On Tuesday, we played in the pool and visited Dollywood that night. The cabin had a neighborhood pool and the boys loved it! It was 2 levels with a waterfall in between. There were rock formations all around and even under the water. Will and Wyatt loved jumping off the rocks even though Will was quick to tell you that the sign said "no jumping or climbing on rocks".
Wednesday, we spent the ENTIRE day at Dollywood. We stayed open to close and the boys were EXHAUSTED....well, the adults were probably more tired than the boys, but we all had a great time!
We all got to ride an actual coal burning train which was pretty neat. Kind of messy with the coal ash, but neat to ride a real train on a real track!
Thursday was kind of recovery from the past 2 days! The grown-up boys went golfing (Trent's first time ever!) and me, Memur, Daddy Jack and the 3 little boys went shopping. Not such a great idea with 100 degree heat in an overly crowded outlet mall with 3 little kiddos. We spent most of the time in traffic! The boys enjoyed golfing together and they all said Trent played surprisingly well for his first time!
Friday was our hiking adventure by day and then to the aquarium at night.
Memur and Daddy Jack weren't too interested in hiking 4 miles up a mountain, so they enjoyed the air conditioned cabin on this day! The rest of us suckers sweatted our patooties off!
Memur and Daddy Jack weren't too interested in hiking 4 miles up a mountain, so they enjoyed the air conditioned cabin on this day! The rest of us suckers sweatted our patooties off!
I really tried to get Trent to carry Wyatt in the backpack carrier, but he said, "oh, we won't need that...he's too big for it...". Wrong! We (well, actually Drew and Trent), carried Wyatt most of the time!
Weston did great! He just hung around the whole time in the sunggly. I actually fed him when we got to the waterfall. Tip: if you ever want to clear people out of a crowded waterfall area, start breastfeeding the baby. It works like a charm! (sorry for the TMI Uncle Mike...but I was covered up!)
This was kind of weird. Drew went off the trail in the woods to find some old home sites that were supposed to be there. He didn't find any home sites, but he did find this. The only gravestone out in the middle of the woods....not in a cemetery area...weird huh!?!
We finally made it to the top and they were so excited...or relieved?!
The waterfall was gorgeous!! Very tall. I couldn't get the whole thing in a picture! This portion was probably between 1/4 and 1/2 of the falls.
I keep telling Trent to wear something besides his blue rag and ratty old flame shirt to go hiking. It seems like every hiking picture I have of him looks like this!
These 2 muscle men decided to climb up some rocks beside the falls to find a cave.
They made it but the boys were so sad that they couldn't go along. :( (see the sad faces at the bottom of the picture)
After we returned safely from our mountain adventure, we went into Gatlinburg to see the aquarium. It was great! We got to see everything from seahorses to sharks!
They have a tunnel that you walk under and the sharks swim above you. Pretty cool! This was an odd looking shark. It had a saw nose!
The boys liked to play in the "pop through" tanks. They got to "pop through" into the penguin tank as well!
It was a long but fun day! whew!
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