It's official....Will is now an actual Kindergartner! Yesterday was his first day at Union Elementary School and he LOVED it! Monday will start the full days 8:00 - 1:30 but yesterday was a half day. He was very excited to go and had been talking about it for weeks. He would say, "umph, I just want to go to school right now". When I dropped him off in his classroom, he barely noticed that I was leaving. He went right to a table and started coloring, turned around with a wave and said, "bye mom". He was ready!
They read The Gingerbread Man book and took a tour of the school looking for the gingerbread man. He left them clues all around the school and when they returned to the classroom, he left them a surprise....gingerbread man cookies! Will thought that was so fun! He said they got to color and glue and cut and he learned where the bathrooms are. Sounds like a pretty full day to me!

He wanted to take his lunch in his new Toy Story lunch box but he said the teachers let him follow a friend in the lunch line so he would know what to do for buying his lunch. When I picked him up at 11:30, he was full of energy and so excited to tell me all about his first day! His teacher Mrs. Crane said he was "one smart cookie". She said they were talking about the cow in the Gingerbread Man book and she asked if anyone knew what cud was. No one said anything but Will raised his hand and explained all about it, even the 2 stomachs and everything. He told them his daddy taught him that. She said, "I can already tell, it's going to be a fun year!"

When we got home, it was naptime but since he was in Kindergarten now, I told him he didn't have to nap if he didn't want to. He was SOOO EXCITED about not napping! He kept telling Wyatt, "now, I don't have take a nap today because I'm in kindergarten, but you do. But maybe when you go to kindergarten you won't have to take a nap either". Wyatt didn't mind. He loves his sleep! During naptime, Will said several times, "maybe I'll just lay down for a little nap...", but he never actually did. By 7:00pm he was exhausted!! This new schedule will take some adjusting!
The only things Will has had any questions or concerns about so far are bathroom and friends.
He would say (in a truly concerned voice), "what if I have to go to the bathroom". I tell him they have bathrooms and you'll go together as a class. Then he says, "what if I have to go other times". No worries now because he knows where they are! The other concern he has mentioned is, "What if I'm shy"........okay.... to this question I always laugh a little but collect my composure and say, "Will, you are DEFINITELY not shy. You'll meet all kinds of new friends". He starts smiling and says, "oh, okay".
I know Will will do great in school and I'm so happy that he loves to learn so much! I hope he stays excited about school and learning and making new friends!
I can't believe you have a kindergartner. I almost cried! Hey- will you tell Trent to explain to me about Cow's cud and their two stomachs? I think that is info Mason needs to know too!
Will is too funny! He really is SO smart! I'm glad he loves it!
That's awesome that Will likes kindergarten so much! If Wyatt gets lonely at home I'm sure Claire would love to get together to play with him sometime.
awww...Rachel, anything sweet Mason needs to know about cows, we'll be happy to teach! So funny that he loves them so much!
Thanks Blair :)...I know right? Will's not afraid to speak up!
Cindy, Wyatt was already missing him for just the half day! We'll have to get together. Does Claire do MDO this year? Wyatt is T/Th. He would love to play with her!
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