In honor of Weston turning 4 weeks old yesterday, I thought I would finally post about his birth. :) It seems in the past 4 weeks I have had no time to do anything except sleep and eat. Funny how when you have a baby, your daily habits seem strangely similar to the baby's! It's a fun, busy, exhausting time that we tend to forget once the babies get older - thank goodness!! (if God didn't bless us with this "selective memory" I'm afraid each family would consist of 1 kid each!!) Anyway, on to Weston's big day, but first here are pictures of what he looks like at 4 weeks old. How handsome is that?!!

The "Labor" started on May 12th at about 10:00pm with regular contractions coming 5 minutes apart. These were getting more intense and when they stayed at 2 minutes apart, we called mom and dad to come watch the boys because we were going to the hospital. I did not want to get sent home from the hospital again like the previous week but you never know with me! We got to the hospital room around midnight and they checked...I was still 3 cm. They said they would monitor for an hour or two and check again. By the time the first hour rolled around, my contractions had pretty much stopped and I told the nurse "I guess I'm not in labor, they just stopped coming". She started telling me that the monitor showed the same thing and they were probably just braxton hicks and be prepared to go home. She checked me again before sending me home and said, "Well, I guess they were doing something because you are now 5cm". She said, "we can't send you home now, you're here to stay." We were very excited and that's pretty much where the excitement stopped until several hours later!! This was about 2:00am and every couple of hours, the nurse would come in, check me, and say "no change". The doc gave orders to start pitocin (labor inducing medicine which causes your body to have STRONG contractions regularly) at 5:20am. Still, every couple of hours the same ol thing. Except now, after the "no change" part, the nurse would go to the "machine" and I would hear "beep, beep". This was her increasing the pitocin - a HORRIBLE sound when you have no meds and no change after many, many hours. They all said Weston was very "high" and if he would just come down then the labor would go very fast. The way to make him "come down" would be to break the water. The doc came in to do this at 7:15am (still at 5cm by the way) and said, "now we should get going pretty fast". I don't know exactly what happened here, but no water was actually broken and by 11:00am I was still 5cm. At this point, I was almost to the top level of pitocin allowed and started getting a migraine. This is a bad combination and I opted to get the epidural. I said, "I can't do this anymore because I know the pain level now at 5cm and I have so much farther to go!" I took my migraine medicine and the epidural and I was feeling MUCH better!!! At around 2:00pm we get some good news, the head is starting to come down!! Then, bad news, it went back up again. The nurse brings in the ultrasound machine to make sure Weston is facing the right direction. No problems, he's just fine...obviously because he did not want to come out and join us!! By this point, they had already reached the top level of pitocin, started over and were half-way to the top AGAIN! Anyway, around 2:30pm the nurses run in and say, "Why didn't you tell us your water broke?", I said, "it did?" (again, with the epidural I was feeling NOTHING!!). They could tell it had broken by the monitors and by 3:10pm (40 minutes later) I was a full 10cm and ready to start pushing. Weston FINALLY arrived at 3:30pm. Whew!!! After 17 1/2 hours of labor, I go from 5 cm to holding Weston in 1 hour. He weighed 8lbs 10.6oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. All I heard from doctors and everyone else this entire pregnancy was "the 3rd baby comes quick so be prepared". I don't know what happened to that quick labor, but it sure didn't happen with me!! Although, if my water had broken at home or somewhere besides the hospital, baby Weston would have come into the world wherever I happened to be at the time!! So... all turned out okay and now we have a healthy, precious baby boy to cuddle and love!!

Nannie and Aunt Rachel were at the hospital through the hours and hours of labor and were there when he was born. Will and Wyatt came to visit that night. They loved Weston and gave him kisses from the start!

Wyatt doesn't look it here, but he was happy about holding Weston!

Trent and his new baby boy

He's so peaceful! And still is a very content baby.

We are getting ready to go home.

So cute in his little outfit!

The white hat was from the hospital, but I thought it was so cute!

So tiny in the big car seat!!

Whahooo!!! I'm HOME!!!

Our little burrito stayed in our room for the first couple of weeks before going to his own baby bed.

He would start out so snug and wrapped up, and wake up like this!!

The first bath! He didn't like this at all, but now he LOVES his nighttime soak!

Gotta wash that sweet hair!

Now that's better...all warm and wrapped in a towel.

Well, I have lots of pictures from his first few weeks and I am going to try to get as much posted as possible in between feeding, changing, rocking and keeping him safe from big brothers!! In fact, he's screaming right now, must be time for another feeding!
Welcome Weston WE LOVE YOU!!!
1 comment:
so happy to see you are back online! Missed you. I want to meet Weston soon. He's so cute!
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