For 3 little boys what could be better than a day of climbing in, out and around "big giant trucks"?! We met our playgroup at Moss Wright Park for the Goodlettsville Truck Day a few weeks back and the boys had so much fun exploring all the trucks and tractors!! It was SOOOOO HHHHOOOOOOTTTT outside but we stayed (and waited in very long lines!) until they sat in EVERY SINGLE vehicle!
As we were walking up to the truck show, I attempted to get a group shot of the 3 brothers. It's not so easy....this was the best I could do. You would think they were looking directly into the sun with those painful faces! (they were not by the way)

It was so humid outside, my camera fogged up immediately! This was what we saw walking up...Will was saying, "ohhh! Awesome!!

Wyatt loved looking at the trucks from a distance. He only actually climbed into 3 of the big ones (a firetruck, backhoe and crane). He wouldn't even get close to this one without Will hugging him!

Will didn't have any problem climbing all around! He even poked his head through the "sunroof" of this SWAT Truck.

I love the name of this one! It just sounds tough!!

"The gun truck" as Will called it. He was totally into character here!

They got to push buttons and knobs and yes, even horns. Will was beeping the horn in the "army jeep" for about 5 minutes straight!

This was a pretty cool double decker bus that Will still talks about. He will see a big tour bus or something similar and ask, "is that a double decker Mom?"

He was such a big boy and took the "tour" all by himself! This is from the 2nd story!

Wyatt was a little more familiar with this and didn't mind getting close!

As long as they like getting in
this seat its okay....they better stay away from the back!

Will got to turn on the siren on the cool police motorcycle! As much as Wyatt is obsessed with motorcycles, he wouldn't go near this one!

Notice the sweaty hair...I bet it was 110 degrees outside!!

They were pooped but they didn't want to leave until we saw a few more!!

He's completely drenched but at least he climbed up in this one!

And they both climbed up in the giant crane!

As we were finally leaving, they spotted the "small trucks and tractors". They climbed all over the tractor, bobcat, and zero turns.

Boys and their trucks! It sure was alot of fun, even with the heat!

And I'll leave on this note....
1 comment:
Uh oh! You've done it now! Enabling the obsession!
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