Wyatt turned 2 years old on October 30th. For his birthday party, we wanted to have a weenie roast and hayride at Nannie and Papa's house. Well....it rained....and rained....and rained! So we improvised and had a fun party in Papa's workshop, aka "the party barn". It worked out great and we had a good time! Wyatt was so excited for his party. For about 2 weeks he would say "my birfday comin, yea!!" and "I'm cited!" That day, every time we would get ready to do something or go somewhere, he would say, "okay, my birfday party!". I would have to say, "no, it's later tonight" and he would look all sad and say, "oh, okay". He was so cute!
He had a blast playing with his friends and family and LOVED all his gifts! He's still playing with everything as it's all spread out in our bonus room!!
Wyatt wanted to play with Tigger and Pooh from his cake so bad!! But Nannie did a good job keeping him out of it!

We had lots of food of course! Chili with all the fixins, hotdogs, chips and dips, cookies and treats, hot cider, and the -not so popular in the rain - smores!

The kids had room to run and play, watch out Will, Jordan's getting you!

Aunt Jane was showing Wyatt the "nice ghost" as he calls it! Everything this Halloween was either a "scary thing" or a "nice ghost, spider, etc"!

Trent improvising on the hot dogs and grilling in the rain!

Wyatt's buddies Mason and Annie having a "chair picnic"! They were so cute!!

Mason saying, " okay, girlie, where did you get that hot dog? It better not have been off MY plate!"

All the fun motorized toys were outside in the rain, but I don't think the kids minded!
Brent's Big Debut!!! You wanted to make the blog so here you go!

They got jealous that Brent was getting his picture taken and they weren't! Ha ha, just kidding, sweet sisters!

Singing happy birthday. He wasn't too sure about that!

Look at all those presents!!

All the kids helped him open them though, so he wouldn't get tired! :)

Helpful cousin Landon!

He got a helmet for his scooter and had to try it out!

Don't tell Wyatt to "say cheese"! He screams it at the top of his lungs and squishes his face up really tight!! Pretty cute though!

Wyatt had a great birthday!! Thank you to everyone who came and helped us celebrate!!!
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