This week the weather has been absolutely beautiful and the boys and I have taken full advantage of the 70 degree days of sunshine! They have played in leaf piles, drawn pretty pictures in the road, run MANY laps around the backyard and have
fought many "bad guys" with
their "swords" (toy golf club and toy garden hoe)! Yesterday, the "bad guys" were the cedar tree limbs! It was hilarious to watch them
whacking the tree limbs with all
their might. They went fully around each tree before moving on to the next one! Must be thorough!
All this creativity inspired us to do a little artwork as well! We met the playgroup on Tuesday for some "
Halloween candy art" and Wyatt loved it so much we decided to do more art at home. Will even got into it, which lately it has been a struggle to get him to sit down for arts and crafts so I was excited!
Here are the pretty
masterpieces they have done so far!
This one is called the Fall Monster. We went on a scavenger hunt in the backyard to find materials to make a monster face. We collected leaves, dried berries, pebbles, rocks and mulch. We even found a spider ring in the house to add!

Will REALLY enjoyed this one. He loved picking out his materials and deciding what to do with each

Wyatt had so much fun doing the "candy art". We squirted a bunch of glue on the paper and he placed the candy anywhere he wanted! Will was in school so he didn't get to do this, but he wants to, so it looks like we might have a project for this afternoon! It's a great way to use all that candy with out eating it!!!

Since Will wasn't there, I made one for him. A pretty flower :)

Of course, if you are doing fall artwork, there must be a "hand turkey" in there somewhere!!

Will was so proud of this one, he put it on the fridge immediately so he could "show daddy when he gets home"!

I need to look up some new ideas to keep this art stuff going. It's really fun and great for the boys as well! If anyone has any ideas, please let me know!!
1 comment:
Hey, don't forget the all-time favorite . . . put a piece of paper over a leaf (vein side up) and color over it with crayon. This shows the imprint of the leaf on the paper . . . a leaf rubbing!
There is something else you can do with crayons, leaves, and paper that involves an iron, but I forgot how to do that one. And I don't like irons!
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