Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Will and the big fish
From our trip last weekend to the country. Here is the picture of the prize fish Will caught with his Great-Uncle John. Will reeled it in all by himself!! It's a prety good size large mouth bass and quite a load to reel in :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Leaf Rakin' Good Time
It only took about 2 minutes for the boys to run and dive into the huge amount of leaves surrounding my grandparents old farmhouse in West TN this weekend. We went down there with the intentions of enjoying the beautiful weather, relaxing a little and, of course, raking up all those leaves! Will was so excited because his Papa told him, "You should just see all the leaves at Poppy's house. You can't even see any grass!" That's all it took for Will. He was ready to go!! When we got there, the boys were NOT disappointed! They stomped around and crunched the leaves, then ran as fast as they could and jumped!
They were so excited!! Leaves flew everywhere! Our nephew Landon came with us so we had a 5 year old, 3 year old and 2 year old that were in leaf flyin heaven! :)
They continued to play and run around for quite a while.

The boys were having such a great time, until.....

....they realized we were raking up the leaves to burn them. It was so pitiful the looks on their faces! We explained that there were plenty of leaves to play in still and we would save a huge pile just for them as well!

3 solemn boys watching their fun burn away!

They were sad for a little bit but once they realized there were still plenty to play in, they were happy again! Over the next couple of days, they helped us raking and dragging the leaves to the ditch as well as messing up plenty of pre-raked piles :)

See, even the next morning, plenty of leaves to stomp around in!

Wyatt (and the 2 other boys too) got to do their favorite thing, ride the 4-wheeler and the tractor! In fact, each time Wyatt saw the 4-wheeler, he would run and jump up on it. One time, he actually started it by himself!! He was in the barn while my Dad and Uncle and others were right outside the barn raking the leaves. They heard something start and Uncle John ran in to see Wyatt scrambling down off the 4-wheeler as fast as he could. John said Wyatt was so scared that it actually started, he was leaving the "crime scene" as fast as possible :)

Each time we would go down to the pond to fish, the boys were more interested in riding than fishing! Riding around in the woods was prime fun!

Will and Landon between rides. They are watching Trent fish and waiting to help him reel in the big one! I didn't get a picture of it, but Will helped John reel in the biggest bass ever caught out of this pond. When we held it up, it went from Will's head to about his knees! It was huge!! Of course I didn't have my camera that time :)

Trent loves to fish and could stay all day long and do nothing but that. However, with 3 little ones around, it's not quite as peaceful!

Landon was more interested in fishing than the other 2 and actually stood there and fished all by himself!! What a big boy!!

As Mom, Dad, Jane and I took the boys for a "hike" in the woods, Trent finally catches one! I don't know...is he proud?

On our hike, we found lots of cool stuff to explore. There were VERY big leaves, little varmint holes, giant trees and fun creeks to walk across. They found this log laying across a creek and had to see if they could get across!

Will made it back and forth several times by himself. The other 2 walked it several times but had a little help!

We have so much fun when we go to the "country". Lots of woods to explore and fun things to do. We get to stay in the house where my grandfather grew up and listen to stories about how life was then. I have so many memories of fun times there growing up and I look forward to making many more with the boys!
The boys were having such a great time, until.....
....they realized we were raking up the leaves to burn them. It was so pitiful the looks on their faces! We explained that there were plenty of leaves to play in still and we would save a huge pile just for them as well!
3 solemn boys watching their fun burn away!
They were sad for a little bit but once they realized there were still plenty to play in, they were happy again! Over the next couple of days, they helped us raking and dragging the leaves to the ditch as well as messing up plenty of pre-raked piles :)
They were so exhausted by bedtime but, of course, getting 3 boys to sleep all in the same bed, was quite tricky! We opened a sofa sleeper and piled the sleeping bags on top. They thought it was so cool!
See, even the next morning, plenty of leaves to stomp around in!
Wyatt (and the 2 other boys too) got to do their favorite thing, ride the 4-wheeler and the tractor! In fact, each time Wyatt saw the 4-wheeler, he would run and jump up on it. One time, he actually started it by himself!! He was in the barn while my Dad and Uncle and others were right outside the barn raking the leaves. They heard something start and Uncle John ran in to see Wyatt scrambling down off the 4-wheeler as fast as he could. John said Wyatt was so scared that it actually started, he was leaving the "crime scene" as fast as possible :)
Each time we would go down to the pond to fish, the boys were more interested in riding than fishing! Riding around in the woods was prime fun!
Will and Landon between rides. They are watching Trent fish and waiting to help him reel in the big one! I didn't get a picture of it, but Will helped John reel in the biggest bass ever caught out of this pond. When we held it up, it went from Will's head to about his knees! It was huge!! Of course I didn't have my camera that time :)
Trent loves to fish and could stay all day long and do nothing but that. However, with 3 little ones around, it's not quite as peaceful!
Landon was more interested in fishing than the other 2 and actually stood there and fished all by himself!! What a big boy!!
As Mom, Dad, Jane and I took the boys for a "hike" in the woods, Trent finally catches one! I don't know...is he proud?
On our hike, we found lots of cool stuff to explore. There were VERY big leaves, little varmint holes, giant trees and fun creeks to walk across. They found this log laying across a creek and had to see if they could get across!
Will made it back and forth several times by himself. The other 2 walked it several times but had a little help!
We have so much fun when we go to the "country". Lots of woods to explore and fun things to do. We get to stay in the house where my grandfather grew up and listen to stories about how life was then. I have so many memories of fun times there growing up and I look forward to making many more with the boys!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
First baby picture :)
Today Trent and I went for the 2nd doctor's appointment. I am 12 weeks and 1 day and we were excited to get to hear the heartbeat (hence the reason Trent took off work to come with me to the appt!) We saw Dr Bennett and he is full of sarcasm and dr humor which works well for us! He was making us laugh and generally cutting up when he told me to hop on the table to listen for the heartbeat. As he is looking, he's telling us some story about I don't know what and I noticed he was having trouble finding the heartbeat. We've had a little practice at this before, so we knew what to listen for. All I was hearing was the slower beat of my own heart and nothing for the baby. He continued to talk while he was trying different areas of my tummy, pushing down REALLY hard and still having no luck. He finally said, sometimes the mom's veins get in the way and we have a little trouble hearing the baby. He continued to listen around (even picking up a radio station, which was kinda weird to hear coming out of my belly!) when he said, "well, I can't find it and you're starting to panic so I'm getting the machine". I'm thinking, "I'm not panicking yet, but definitely on the verge!". He comes in with the ultra sound machine and finds the baby immediately with the little heart beating away at 150 beats per minute. It was so neat to see the little baby fully formed just tiny. He said everything was fine and there was nothing to worry about. It was a little scary at first, but I am so glad Trent was able to come and we were able to actually see the baby instead of just hear it!!
As Dr. Bennett took the picture, he said, "well, here's your little smudge!" I said "well, that's better than a peanut." He said, "yes, you have progressed from a peanut to a smudge!" oh, so funny :)

As Dr. Bennett took the picture, he said, "well, here's your little smudge!" I said "well, that's better than a peanut." He said, "yes, you have progressed from a peanut to a smudge!" oh, so funny :)

Friday, November 6, 2009
Fall Artwork
This week the weather has been absolutely beautiful and the boys and I have taken full advantage of the 70 degree days of sunshine! They have played in leaf piles, drawn pretty pictures in the road, run MANY laps around the backyard and have fought many "bad guys" with their "swords" (toy golf club and toy garden hoe)! Yesterday, the "bad guys" were the cedar tree limbs! It was hilarious to watch them whacking the tree limbs with all their might. They went fully around each tree before moving on to the next one! Must be thorough!
All this creativity inspired us to do a little artwork as well! We met the playgroup on Tuesday for some "Halloween candy art" and Wyatt loved it so much we decided to do more art at home. Will even got into it, which lately it has been a struggle to get him to sit down for arts and crafts so I was excited!
Here are the pretty masterpieces they have done so far!
This one is called the Fall Monster. We went on a scavenger hunt in the backyard to find materials to make a monster face. We collected leaves, dried berries, pebbles, rocks and mulch. We even found a spider ring in the house to add!
Will REALLY enjoyed this one. He loved picking out his materials and deciding what to do with each piece!

Wyatt had so much fun doing the "candy art". We squirted a bunch of glue on the paper and he placed the candy anywhere he wanted! Will was in school so he didn't get to do this, but he wants to, so it looks like we might have a project for this afternoon! It's a great way to use all that candy with out eating it!!!
All this creativity inspired us to do a little artwork as well! We met the playgroup on Tuesday for some "Halloween candy art" and Wyatt loved it so much we decided to do more art at home. Will even got into it, which lately it has been a struggle to get him to sit down for arts and crafts so I was excited!
Here are the pretty masterpieces they have done so far!
This one is called the Fall Monster. We went on a scavenger hunt in the backyard to find materials to make a monster face. We collected leaves, dried berries, pebbles, rocks and mulch. We even found a spider ring in the house to add!
Wyatt had so much fun doing the "candy art". We squirted a bunch of glue on the paper and he placed the candy anywhere he wanted! Will was in school so he didn't get to do this, but he wants to, so it looks like we might have a project for this afternoon! It's a great way to use all that candy with out eating it!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Halloween was so much fun this year! Will really got into it and Wyatt was super excited about wearing his "nice spider" costume! Will dressed as Rocky and was very into the role! We got to wear the costumes 3 times!! On Thursday, we went to a Halloween party with our playgroup at the park. The kids played at the playground and then lined up for a cute parade to get candy! On Friday, we went to the Halloween parade at Dollar General with all of Will's school friends. We were already loaded up with candy before the big day!! On Saturday, we tackled the neighborhood door to door. The past couple of years, we would make it almost around the block and Will would be tired, but this year he was a trooper!! We made it around the WHOLE neighborhood and were walking for at least 2 hours!! He and Jordan would run up to the houses by themselves while we waited at the road. It was so cute! They were running house to house and by the end, they were so tired!! That is, until the sugar rush kicked in at home after we "tested" the candy! Wyatt barely got out of the wagon. He was content to ride around and let Will and Jordan do all the work!
Playgroup Parade at the Park
Will aka "Rocky" at the playground
(this was mommy's face paint job...not so good! Trent did a much better job on Saturday!)
of course Rocky had to rescue the damsel in distress!
Checking out all the loot!
Dollar General Halloween Parade
Will getting candy from Raggedy Ann and Andy
Wyatt says "wow, look at all that candy!!"
Will and his friends lined up for more candy
Wyatt found Annie there too!! so sweet :)
Halloween Night
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Wyatt Turns 2!!
Wyatt turned 2 years old on October 30th. For his birthday party, we wanted to have a weenie roast and hayride at Nannie and Papa's house. Well....it rained....and rained....and rained! So we improvised and had a fun party in Papa's workshop, aka "the party barn". It worked out great and we had a good time! Wyatt was so excited for his party. For about 2 weeks he would say "my birfday comin, yea!!" and "I'm cited!" That day, every time we would get ready to do something or go somewhere, he would say, "okay, my birfday party!". I would have to say, "no, it's later tonight" and he would look all sad and say, "oh, okay". He was so cute!
He had a blast playing with his friends and family and LOVED all his gifts! He's still playing with everything as it's all spread out in our bonus room!!

We had lots of food of course! Chili with all the fixins, hotdogs, chips and dips, cookies and treats, hot cider, and the -not so popular in the rain - smores!

The kids had room to run and play, watch out Will, Jordan's getting you!

Aunt Jane was showing Wyatt the "nice ghost" as he calls it! Everything this Halloween was either a "scary thing" or a "nice ghost, spider, etc"!

Trent improvising on the hot dogs and grilling in the rain!

Wyatt's buddies Mason and Annie having a "chair picnic"! They were so cute!!

Mason saying, " okay, girlie, where did you get that hot dog? It better not have been off MY plate!"

All the fun motorized toys were outside in the rain, but I don't think the kids minded!

Brent's Big Debut!!! You wanted to make the blog so here you go!
He had a blast playing with his friends and family and LOVED all his gifts! He's still playing with everything as it's all spread out in our bonus room!!
Wyatt wanted to play with Tigger and Pooh from his cake so bad!! But Nannie did a good job keeping him out of it!
The kids had room to run and play, watch out Will, Jordan's getting you!
Aunt Jane was showing Wyatt the "nice ghost" as he calls it! Everything this Halloween was either a "scary thing" or a "nice ghost, spider, etc"!
Trent improvising on the hot dogs and grilling in the rain!
Wyatt's buddies Mason and Annie having a "chair picnic"! They were so cute!!
Mason saying, " okay, girlie, where did you get that hot dog? It better not have been off MY plate!"
All the fun motorized toys were outside in the rain, but I don't think the kids minded!
Brent's Big Debut!!! You wanted to make the blog so here you go!
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