Hello it's springtime! And this spring has been beautiful weather for outside play!!
Since this weather has been so nice, we have been outside ALOT. We've even gotten the water house out to run through! In March and April!! Weston loves to play outside and
has the boo boo’s to prove it. He has lots of cuts on both knees and a big
goose egg on his forehead that he has re-injured 3 times! Aggregate is
hard on toddlers! Wyatt still has a scar on his knees from doing his “toddler time”. On a side note, I noticed recently that I
carry 3 packages of baindaids and a spray tube of Neosporin in my
purse. Along with diapers and wipes of course…now that’s a mom purse
The boys favorite thing right now is riding to the top of
the hill on our road (about 3 houses away which is the farthest they have EVER
been allowed to go!) and flying down the hill as fast as possible to jump the
curb into our yard! They do this with their bikes, the little red wagon and
even pushing Weston on the tricycle. I’m just waiting for the moment I hear
“hey lets make a ramp”. Not looking forward to that.
Just look at him go!!
He has been begging us non-stop for the past couple of weeks to take his training wheels off, but the timing just hasn't been right. So this weekend at Memur and Pepaw's house, he got to ride one of Will's old bikes without the trainers and he learned so quick! Uncle Drew pushed him all around their grassy hill until Wyatt was riding on his own! Today he begged me to take them off his bike...so I did...and off he went! No problems, no worries, just free ridin'! At 4 years old no less!
In other randomness, Will and Wyatt have both started baseball (t-ball for Wyatt) and they are loving it! Over spring break, Will wrote a story entitled "The Will Book". I will type it out here for your reading pleasure (with his creative spelling and all):
Once there was a superhero named smlyman (smelly man). He had the pawer of scunks (skunks). His sidekick was chicknman. He had the pawer to poop out big boldeers (boulders) of eggs. The iname (enemy) was cald (called) erthman (earthman). His pawer was to dustry (destroy) the erth. He wod do inething to tri to duschray (destroy) the erth. Smelyman use's his pawer on him and chikenman poop's a egg on him but it is no yoos (use). Erthman has a shild he uses on smlyman and he penchis (punches) chikinman to. It is pabach (payback) time sed (said) chikinman sed (said) with a grin. He shot his nives out.
Well, that's all he wrote. Kinda cracked me up a bit.
Here are some other things that have made us smile lately:
Quotes from Will: "Dad, I
know you know how to do it your way.
But what I’m trying to do is find a way to do it better and faster." Also, he now
wants to be an agricultural engineer. Yep, thats right. And what will he do as an Agricultural Engineer? figure out how to grow apples
and use pesticides that won’t make people sick - of course.
Quotes from Wyatt: "hmmm, ….perhaps
yes". Riding his bike today, “I just keep
getting all squirlly”. ; last night at bedtime, “dad, in case you forgot, puppy dog is downstairs in
my bag…just in case you want to go get him.”
Quotes from Weston:
"mom,mom" that's what he calls me. When I ask, do you have a dirty diaper? "Not meeeee, not mom mom,
not dad dad" Or He'll say, "not meee" I'll ask, well then who has a stinky diaper? "daddy" ; woo woo = his foo foo ; bkey = his blanket; ask him why not? “cause”; "predy pease" with a sweet smile and a side head tilt; anytime we go anywhere - upstairs, outside, to the bathroom, he says, "me too, me too"
And Ava Belle: She is getting bigger and sweeter! She loves to wear bows (even though she looks mad in these pictures, she really does love them!) She is 3 months old and weighs 6.6 lbs. She just went for her last set of puppy shots!
Isn't she sweet!
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