Yes He Is. 11 months old. Weston has accomplished oh so much in the past month !! He now weighs 20lbs (well ... according to my scales at home and my math skills :) - and he is so mobile. He went from just learning to crawl to speed crawling in about a week. He is pulling up on everything and will now let go with both hands and stand for several seconds before slowly sitting down! He loves to stand up with one hand on something and wave his other hand around. He is a busy little guy playing with toys and exploring everywhere. He's very good at walking while holding on to our hands or maneuvering around tables, couches, chairs, etc. The other day, he grabbed a bag I was holding and walked around with me while only holding the bag. All this mobility has resulted in a few scary moments, but none scarier than last Friday. I had a mommy brained moment and didn't realize he could actually climb up stairs. While he was playing in the playroom and I was busy in the dining room (where I could keep an eye on him but obviously not watching him too closely) I heard a loud crash. I looked up to see Weston upside down and backwards falling down the stairs. He was about halfway up the front staircase and falling headfirst down to the bottom. I ran to him but not before he bounced off 3 stairs and landed flat on his face on the hardwood floor. One bounce I was sure he broke his back, another bounce it was his neck that was broken and by the time he was at the bottom, I was wondering how he possibly could have survived. I grabbed him up, held him tightly and completely lost my sanity. He was crying so I knew he was alive, but I couldn't take the chance on finding out if anything was actually wrong. I finally calmed him down and called my Dad. I was crying so much he couldn't understand what I was saying, but he came over and checked Weston out really good for me. Luckily God was keeping an eye on Weston when I wasn't and absolutely NOTHING was wrong with him. He was laughing and crawling and playing again in no time. I made sure he stayed awake for a good 3 hours and then he took a good nap. I was still shaking well into the night! Oh, and we now have gates up at both the top and bottom of the stairs!
Aside from the momma drama, everything has been pretty good around here. Weston now has 4 teeth - which all came in at once - and he is drinking very well from sippy cups. He has almost given up on baby food. He prefers table food and will eat just about anything....soft tacos, cheese pizza, you know all the healthy stuff. He is nursing 2 times per day (when he wakes up in the morning and right before bed at night). Sometimes he will want to nurse in the middle of the day, but not often.
He ADORES his brothers. When he wakes up from a nap, Wyatt will run in and talk to him making him smile and laugh. It's so cute!
It's especially cute (although not very safe) when Wyatt climbs up to give him "sugars". Hopefully the used and abused baby bed will hold up to Wyatt's climbing!
Weston is such a trooper tagging along with this "on the go" crew! People always comment about how happy and content he is. This is what he looks like most of the time!
2 more of his favorite things right now are Daddy and playing ball. When Trent gets home, Weston is SOOOO happy. He squeals and practically jumps out of my arms to get to his daddy! If on the floor, he speed crawls over to him calling "dada dada".
If there is a ball around, you can find Weston playing catch. He loves to throw the ball back and forth. If no one is available to play with him, then he will throw it, go get it and throw it again by himself.
He has changed so much this past month, I am excited to see what changes the next month has in store for him!
showing off his 4 new teeth! |
I can't believe how quickly he is growing up. From one month to the next you can see the changes!
Oh that fall down the stairs made me cringe!!! Glad he's ok!!
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