Friday, February 4, 2011

Strike A Pose

Wyatt is our little cowboy. Every single day he asks to "wear a belt", even if it's just for a little while. Once he has a belt on, he absolutely must tuck in his shirt. No matter if it's a sweatshirt, t-shirt, pj must be tucked in. Then, he gets his holster and gun, hat and becomes our little cowboy. Most of the time he wears his boots too, but today he was just in his "regular shoes". Today I asked if I could take a picture of him as a cowboy. He smiled REAL big and started posing.

He couldn't find his holster this morning, (it's probably under a couch or something. He wears it daily and then takes it off randomly around the house) anyway, he settled for Will's. You see, Wyatt is mostly left-handed, sometimes he'll switch to his right hand, but most of the time, he is using his left. So, when he's using Will's right hand holster, things are just confusing for him.

He was "shooting" us with his gunless left hand! By the way, this is the "angry cowboy face" that he wanted me to take a picture of.  I started laughing. He said, "what mom?" Then made this face....

He was really into this finger shooting thing!

Then, Weston started talking as if to say, "Hey Mom, take a picture of me too. Don't forget about me".

Weston will not go unnoticed! He loves to make his voice heard! Especially when he has rolled into something and can't get out. He's not crawling yet, but getting pretty close! He rolls everywhere he wants to go!

See how close he's getting to the correct crawling position?!

Anyway, that's all for now. Wyatt loves to play dress-up so I really need to get a picture of him in full cowboy gear, full pirate gear and full superhero gear (shirt tied around his neck like a cape). It's really cute.


Cindy said...

Those cowboy poses are hilarious! And Weston is a cutie pie too.

Debby said...

We'll have to take the kids next door to ride Jennifer's horse she got just for the kids! They'll LOVE it!!!

Jane said...

We needed a replacement for John Wayne, and now we have one! The world will be a safer place with this little hero.