Our sweet Oscar passed away last night. He had a neurological disorder that may have resulted from an injury to his spine where he was losing function in his legs. This had been going on since the spring and although it was getting worse each day, he could still run and play with a slight limp. Last night he completely lost all function in all 4 of his legs, could not stand up or even hold his head up. Trent took him to the emergency vet clinic where he then had to make the extremely hard decision to let him pass away peacefully or try to prolong his life with medication and surgery. The vet said he would probably not make it through the night on his own, and even with medication and surgery, the outlook was very "grim". She said with his age and the severity of the condition, we did the best thing.
Yesterday afternoon we were playing in the backyard and the boys wanted to give Oscar and Grizzly a doggie treat. Oscar didn't jump up and run to the treat box like normal, he just laid in the grass. When Will brought the bone to him, Oscar tried to get up, yelped really loudly and fell flat on his nose. He couldn't put any weight on any of his legs and couldn't hold his head up very well either. I took the boys inside and Trent took Oscar to the vet. While we were inside I was trying to act like everything was okay and distract the boys with cartoons and toys. About an hour later I noticed that Will was still holding the bone for Oscar. I asked him about it and he said, "Since Oscar couldn't eat his bone, I wanted to save it for him in case he wants it when he comes back." He kept holding the bone and when we ate supper, he put the bone on the table right beside his plate. I asked him to move it to the counter but we could still give it to Oscar later. It was bedtime before Trent got back and we told the boys that Oscar was gone. We told them that the doctors tried really hard but Oscar died and went up to Heaven. Wyatt was sad and asking questions, but he was okay. Will was very, very upset. He said, "Why did he have to die?....I just loved him so much.....who will I play ball with?....oh mom, now he'll never get to eat his bone." I told him we could bury the bone in the backyard and that way it can go to Heaven so Oscar can eat it. Both boys really liked this idea and Will said, "Katie (my parent's dog that passed away about a year ago) really loves bone's too mom, I think we should bury 2 so she can have one too."
Will about 9 months old
Trent and I got Oscar when he was a year old right after we got married. He has been here for the boys' whole lives.
He sure gave us lots of problems with his digging and chewing and escaping fences, but he gave us lots of sweet times too. His absolute favorite thing to do was chase a ball. Trent spent alot of time with him throwing the ball and teaching him to do things. Oscar was a very quick learner and a great retriever. He loved to play with the boys too, no matter what they were doing. He was always right there with them.
Oscar was a sweet, lovable, goofy dog that we will miss terribly.
Bye Bye Sweet Oscar. We hope you get your bone in Heaven and get to play lots of ball.
We love you!
Jennifer, you should read that poem mom has about dogs to Will. The one where it talks about dog spelled backward is " GOD".
A faithful dog will play with you, and laugh with or cry.
He'll gladly starve to stay with you nor even reason why.
And when you're feeling out of sorts somehow he'll understand.
He'll watch you with his shinning eyes and try to lick your hand.
His blind, implicit faith in you is matched by his great love.
The kind that all of us should have in the Master up above.
When everything is said and done, I guess this isn't odd,
For when you spell dog backwards you will the name of God.
Nannie and Papa love you and will miss you Sweet Oscar.
Awe Jen, I know Oscar will get his bone in heaven. So sorry.
Jennifer and Trent, I am so sorry for your loss. I cried while reading this. My thought and prayers are with you and the boys.
Such a sad thing to lose a wonderful pet. I know you all will miss him, but you sure do have some fond memories of lovable, mischievous Oscar!
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