I cannot believe it has been 2 months since Weston was born!! Okay, so I'm a little late (he's like 2.5 mos now) but time is going so fast! We just got back from vacation in Gatlinburg and I'm trying to catch up! Weston has grown so much and has developed his own little personality. He is very sweet and LOVES to cuddle. He loves to be rocked when he's sleepy and LOVES to eat! He eats 6 times per day 3 hours apart for about 15-20 minutes each meal. I have given him 1 bottle of "mommy milk" just to make sure he can take a bottle okay, but haven't been away from him at mealtime yet. He is sleeping consistently from 9pm - 6am and takes several small naps per day for about an hour each. He is really starting to "talk" to us with his coos and caas. When we talk to him, his face lights up and he smiles and laughs.

He has the cutest dimples under his cheekbones when he smiles! He is a very content baby. He really only cries when he has a poopy diaper or it's time to eat. He's happy just to sit and look around and his favorite game right now is staring at his hands. At the 2 month well baby visit, Weston weighed 12 lbs, 7 oz putting him in the 75th percentile. He height was 23 inches (90th percentile).
On vacation, we decided he might want to go swimming.....

...bad idea. The swimmy diaper (size small) went all the way to his chest and the FREEZING cold mountain water was not enjoyable for him!
We also went hiking to a waterfall. Weston liked hiking. He slept the whole way in the snugly, got to eat and play when we reached the top and then slept the whole way back.

It was a little hot (heat index approx. 104), but he didn't mind!

The past 2 months have flown by. At times it seems like it's going very slowly and I can't wait for a certain stage to be over or the next milestone to be met, but overall, this age is so sweet and it's going way too fast!
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