We finally did it!! This past Wednesday at 30 weeks pregnant, we had our 3D ultrasound to get a first glimpse of little Weston. It was unbelievable!! The ultrasound was so clear and Weston did great at showing his face and feet... and other parts :) He was very still for a while (which made for good pictures - I have 67 pictures on a CD from this!) and then he started moving all around for us. He would make faces, yawn, suck his arm, rub his head, he even grabbed one of his toes. So neat to watch!! It was like watching a newborn baby move around which is amazing to me because he's still in my tummy!
At one point, the tech told Trent to lean down and talk to him because they tend to respond to Daddy's voice (they hear mommy all the time!). As soon as Trent started talking, Weston reached out with his arms and started moving his head all around. He was trying to find Daddy! It was so sweet! This was such a great experience and we have pictures and a DVD that captured a truly unique time in his life!
When we first saw him, my first thought was, "He looks just like Will and Wyatt when they were newborns!" I guess they all kind of have the same genes:)

So Sweet! His little ankles are crossed and this shows he has the Napier big feet!

Muscle Man Pose!

A happy baby already :) He even has dimples!

I was pushing on him a little too hard!

I really think he is laughing here!

More sweet smiles!

Just chillin'

He's snuggling up!
This is where he grabbed his toe (the one beside the big toe).

The flexibility is amazing!! He's also giving his little arm a kiss :)

I can't wait to meet our sweet little boy!!

And we did confirm he is a boy!!

Due Date May 25th.....
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