Soccer season has officially begun!! Will has had a couple of games so far and is a great little soccer player! He's on the Blue Dragons, number 13. The team is really very good and is SO much more aggressive than last year. Last year he played in the Kickaroos league which was 2-4 year olds. This year he has stepped up to only 2 goals (have to go in the correct goal!) and a bigger field. They are so cute out there playing. It's more competitive but they are still cute little boys playing soccer!
He's going after it!

Lot of running in soccer!!

Go Blue Dragons!!!

Great job!!
We took Rachel and Landon out on the boat for the first time and they had a blast. Well, what Rachel could see of it that is! She lost her glasses about 5 minutes into the trip! Mom and Dad kept the little boys (Noah and Wyatt) and Brent was at a church camp.
At first, Landon was pretty scared. He eventually got more comfortable and had a good time. It was so funny, he wanted someone’s arms wrapped around him at all times. The boys had so much fun together! They played in the water and pretended to tube! They even got to fish a little.
They are so silly together! At ages 3 and 4 I guess we should expect that! :)

I love you Cuz!!

Looking at a spider...what is it with us and spiders??!!

The three stooges!

So Silly!!!
Uh Landon....whatcha doin?!
So much love!!

The boys fishing....notice who has the poles!

They LOVED playing the water!

I think we can do this...yeah, we can do this!!

I guess tipping over in a canoe is not the only way to lose your glasses! (By the way, John got his new glasses last week)
It won't be long before the "cousins" will be begging to take the boat out by themselves! Better get ready!!!!
lol love the pics!! i just love this blogger thing, i have not had a chance to get on hee very much because Jaxon i crawling now so he keeps me moving "all around the house" lol i see you arepreggers how fun!! im so happy for you guys maybe it will be a girl!! ill pray for her if it is!!
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