In honor of Thanksgiving tomorrow, I asked the boys how to make a turkey. I see this on the news every year and couldn't wait until the boys were old enough to create a "funny recipe". Not sure these would actually make the news but their personalities shined through!
Toast it in the fire. Take a thing that holds turkey and bring it to the fire and burn it. No seasonings.
Step 1: Get it out
Step 2: Put it in the frying pan.
Step 3: Put it on the grill to grill it
Step 4: pepper and salt
Step 5: Eat it.
What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?
Wyatt:(he did this at preschool)
Peanut butter; Jelly; big brother; Mom; Dad; baby brother; turkey sandwiches
Will: (just now asked him at home)
God. My family. movies. presents. myself. my life
Happy Thanksgiving!!!