Friday, February 25, 2011

Cowboys and Hockey Pucks


Last Saturday Wyatt and Will went on some pretty cool adventures. Will was invited to go with cousin Landon (with Daddy and Uncle Brent) to see the Predator's play hockey. They were so excited! Since Will was going on a fun adventure, Nannie and Papa invited Wyatt to spend the night and go to Ms. Jennifer's house to ride one of her horses. This was super fun for our little cowboy. The boys were talking about what they were each going to do and saying, "mine is more mine is more fun...."

Wyatt dressed up in his cowboy gear and headed to Nannie and Papa's house. He wasn't scared of the horse at all and after once around the arena with Papa close beside him, he went the next rounds all by himself!

Nannie and Papa said he held on to the saddle and rode like he had been riding horses his whole life. I guess if you're a cowboy, riding horses is just natural!

He was so proud of riding that horse and had so much fun!!!

Trent said Will and Landon talked the entire way to and from Nashville and had a blast at the hockey game cheering and screaming for the team!

Will was most excited about eating nachos ("chips in one side and cheese dip in the other side"). As you can see, he enjoyed his nachos!
They also got to play hockey on the "play field". Will was goalie and Landon ran up and down the field. You can't really see Will in this picture, but he's back there guarding that goal. Nothin's gettin through him!

They had awesome seats, saw several fights and the game came down to the last few seconds. Overall, a very good hockey game! Trent and Brent had a great time too!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Out of the mouths of...uh... umm...well

From Will on the subject of basketball:
-in a secretive voice, "Mom, do you know why we won?" - why?- "Because every time we got a goal, they would skip a number on the scoreboard!"
-eating lunch at a restaurant after church talking to another family from church - "My Daddy tells me I need to booty bump when I play basketball cause that's what he did!" - Mrs. Carolyn  with a big smile, "Oh really huh?" - Will, "yep, he booty bumped cheerleaders when he played basketball!" - big laughter from several tables and Trent's face very red!

From Wyatt randomly:
- "Hey Mom, did you know that whiskey makes babies?" - I say, "no, but I guess you're kind of right" laughing a little. Then he replies, "I know. That's what the song says. Corn makes whiskey and whiskey makes my baby"
-after asking me several questions about what do you call boy cows and daddy cows and baby cows and mommy cows, etc Wyatt says, "Mommy, you just know everything I don't know."

What does Will want to be when he grows up?
- "When I grow up I'm going to be a superhero scientist and invent (whatever he can think of at that moment. ex. a robot with a zillion arms that can do everything for you like brush your teeth and vacuum). Oh and I'm gonna marry Piper (a girl from his class) because she is going to be a scientist too and invent my superpowers."

From Wyatt regarding "Churchy" things:
- Trent was getting the boys dressed for church one morning. (sidenote: Wyatt is obsessed with belts lately) Wyatt had on a sweater (and a belt underneath) and came running into my bathroom saying, "hey mom, you wanna feel my hard thing"  all the while patting his belt buckle.
- sitting in Betsy's lap during the Lord's Supper Wyatt looks down and says, "eww, do they cook that?" then as it passes down the aisle, he says, "Now they're gonna pass out the drinks."

Both Will and Wyatt have picked up a cute habit of saying "oopsie" lately. For example, "that point doesn't count it was just an oopsie" or with a big smile, "oopsie, I just spilled my miiilllkk".

Wyatt is also in the habit of saying "that is dangerous for gawuls (girls)". I keep telling him girls can do anything boys can do, but 5 minutes later "I just did something very dangerous for gawuls" - like jumping off the couch or something random.
He also loves to greet Trent with "Whatdcha learn at work today Daddy?"

Monday, February 21, 2011

9 Months


Weston at 9 months old. 
Height: 27 1/2 inches - 50th percentile
Weight: 18 lbs 7 oz - 45th percentile
Eats: stage 3 baby food, puffs, cheereos, bread, soft table food, anything he can get into his mouth
Nurses : about 5 times per day (give or take one depending on his mood)
Drinks: We are attempting sippy cups, but he is mostly interested in chewing them and banging them on his boster tray. He does like to drink out of regular cups that we have to hold to his mouth...we are really pushing the sippy cups!
Sleeps: Weston sleeps from about 8:00pm - 6:00am at night and then naps a couple of times during the day. He is simply refusing to nap at consistent times and lengths...okay, maybe that has to do with our crazy schedule right now, but I'm really working on getting him into a nice nap routine.
Says: still saying dada for everything, but he can sign "more" and he really understands what we are saying. I know this because I'll say something like, "do you want to eat?" and he smiles so big and laughs. He can also wave bye bye.
Mobility: He's not crawling, still rolling everywhere. That is Weston's preferred mode of mobility right now...the roll. He sits up, leans forward on his hands and knees and then flops on his belly.

It really looks like his is going to crawl any day now....

He will even reach out for toys on his hands and knees....

But nope. Not gonna crawl.

Weston does love to stand up though. He'll stand in his playpen holding on to the side and his little head isn't even over the top! He'll stand there for a really long time and move from the corner to the side and back to the corner and even play music and dance! He also loves to stand up against anything he can hold to.

He's getting brave and letting go with one hand!

He is getting so big and now that he rolls all over the place, it really keeps me on my toes! He almost rolled down the steps today and I jumped halfway across the bonus room to catch him! The baby gate went back up immediately!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Castle Park


This is the Castle Park. The boys have seen this park many times this winter and have begged and begged to play here when it gets warm. Since it has been so warm the past few days, I told them we could go after school yesterday. Gallatin has several parks and we have visited most, but this was the first time to this one. It was a little old and needs some work, but the boys had lots of fun. It's really a HUGE park and we didn't have time to stay long, but the boys got to play for about an hour so they were happy.

They do really good staying together, which really helps when they are lost in the maze of enclosed wood. Wyatt wasn't feeling too good, in fact when we got home he had 102 fever.

You would never know he was sick, he refuses to admit when he feels bad. His asthmatic cough is back too, so that was one way I could keep track of the boys. I could hear Wyatt coughing all over the park. He has a dr appointment today, so hopefully we'll get it all cleared up :(

Will is a great big brother. Even though he is 3 years older and much faster right now than Wyatt, he waits for him and avoids places Wyatt can't climb, etc. He is a big help for me!!
Oh, and he loves to stop and pose for pictures!

Weston had a really good time too. He loved the swings!

Especially when Will jumped in and said, "I want to swing Weston!".

Then Wyatt wanted to swing in the baby swings so Will switched to swing him.

Funny stuff!! I tell ya, there is never a dull moment with these 3!

After the 2nd or 3rd time I had to make Wyatt stop playing, calm down and breathe slowly, we decided it was time to start heading home. They did NOT forget, however, that I had packed snacks, so we had to make a pit stop at the picnic tables before leaving...

The Castle Park was a success, a short trip but nice to get out somewhere besides our yard and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.

Well, now it's off to the doctor office. Weston has his 9 month well visit and Wyatt has his not so well visit. I'll update soon.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Strike A Pose


Wyatt is our little cowboy. Every single day he asks to "wear a belt", even if it's just for a little while. Once he has a belt on, he absolutely must tuck in his shirt. No matter if it's a sweatshirt, t-shirt, pj must be tucked in. Then, he gets his holster and gun, hat and becomes our little cowboy. Most of the time he wears his boots too, but today he was just in his "regular shoes". Today I asked if I could take a picture of him as a cowboy. He smiled REAL big and started posing.

He couldn't find his holster this morning, (it's probably under a couch or something. He wears it daily and then takes it off randomly around the house) anyway, he settled for Will's. You see, Wyatt is mostly left-handed, sometimes he'll switch to his right hand, but most of the time, he is using his left. So, when he's using Will's right hand holster, things are just confusing for him.

He was "shooting" us with his gunless left hand! By the way, this is the "angry cowboy face" that he wanted me to take a picture of.  I started laughing. He said, "what mom?" Then made this face....

He was really into this finger shooting thing!

Then, Weston started talking as if to say, "Hey Mom, take a picture of me too. Don't forget about me".

Weston will not go unnoticed! He loves to make his voice heard! Especially when he has rolled into something and can't get out. He's not crawling yet, but getting pretty close! He rolls everywhere he wants to go!

See how close he's getting to the correct crawling position?!

Anyway, that's all for now. Wyatt loves to play dress-up so I really need to get a picture of him in full cowboy gear, full pirate gear and full superhero gear (shirt tied around his neck like a cape). It's really cute.