Last Saturday Wyatt and Will went on some pretty cool adventures. Will was invited to go with cousin Landon (with Daddy and Uncle Brent) to see the Predator's play hockey. They were so excited! Since Will was going on a fun adventure, Nannie and Papa invited Wyatt to spend the night and go to Ms. Jennifer's house to ride one of her horses. This was super fun for our little cowboy. The boys were talking about what they were each going to do and saying, "mine is more mine is more fun...."
Wyatt dressed up in his cowboy gear and headed to Nannie and Papa's house. He wasn't scared of the horse at all and after once around the arena with Papa close beside him, he went the next rounds all by himself!
Nannie and Papa said he held on to the saddle and rode like he had been riding horses his whole life. I guess if you're a cowboy, riding horses is just natural!
He was so proud of riding that horse and had so much fun!!!
Trent said Will and Landon talked the entire way to and from Nashville and had a blast at the hockey game cheering and screaming for the team!
Will was most excited about eating nachos ("chips in one side and cheese dip in the other side"). As you can see, he enjoyed his nachos!
They also got to play hockey on the "play field". Will was goalie and Landon ran up and down the field. You can't really see Will in this picture, but he's back there guarding that goal. Nothin's gettin through him!
They had awesome seats, saw several fights and the game came down to the last few seconds. Overall, a very good hockey game! Trent and Brent had a great time too!