Will running a marathon - well not quite - but a 5K at least! When he plays Wii, he thinks the faster his feet go, the faster the people on the video game go. Really cute to watch. But he also whines and panics when he can't do something on a game. Then he will scream "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, I really need you to help me (this part changes each time). Daddy, Daddy, I need you right now." It doesn't really matter what Daddy is doing at the time, Will is in complete panic mode. (He has given up asking me to help :)
Okay, so Will is frantically playing Wii. Wyatt is running through the house yelling "Hippity Dippity, Hippity Dippity, Hippity Dippity....YEAH!! The run/dance that he was doing looked something like a sword fight with a karate kick at the end. He would run all around the bonus room like this, down the hall to his bedroom, back into the bonus room and then jump on Trent. He would usually jump off the steps into the bonus room and bounce off at least one piece of furniture before landing on Trent. He was literally bouncing off the walls last night. I finally asked him where he heard that song. His response, "Ugh Mooom, you know, that commercial with the froggies in a circle and the mommy froggy jumps out." Well I didn't and still don't have any idea what he was talking about so I say, "No Wyatt, I don't know that commercial." Stupid mom answer I guess because he says, "oh Mom, yeah you do, you siwwy (silly)." shaking his head and continuing his song and dance.
Meanwhile, Weston was playing in the floor with Trent keeping guard to protect him from the 2 older wild ones. As long as Trent was talking and playing with him, all was well. As soon as Trent stopped and started helping Will with the game or turned to get Wyatt off his back, belly, etc, Weston would scream the LOUDEST scream ever imaginable. Yes, this happy little baby loves, loves, loves to scream/squeal very loudly. He's not usually mad when he screams, just trying to get some attention I guess. I can see this becoming a problem.....
So, here is Trent trying to give all 3 kids the attention they are so politely requesting. He has a strained look on his face, I'm sure due to the noise level and the bruises that he is sure to be acquiring all over his body, and I'm sitting back laughing to myself, hehehe "Welcome to my world honey!" Isn't he a great Daddy?!
The green blur is Wyatt :)
Scene 2: Our bedroom this morning.
Trent and I are getting ready this morning. Wyatt is in our bed watching cartoons and Weston is beside him safely in the middle of the bed. As I'm washing my face and Trent is in the shower I hear a loud THUD. I look behind me, nope Trent didn't fall out of the shower again, that's a relief. (Oh, have I not recorded that memory yet....Trent has a tendency to fall asleep in the shower. One day as he was sleeping in the shower with his arm propped up on the shower wall cradling his head, this said arm slipped and Trent crashed down. All the way down. Hard. Feet straight up in the air, back pushing against the shower door that is now off the track and leaning into the bathroom. Luckily he wasn't hurt but it was HILARIOUS!!!! Will said he thought it was an earthquake!! ) Okay, back to this morning, Trent is safely still in the shower so I run into our room. Wyatt's still watching cartoons, but Weston is not in the bed anymore. He is on the floor screaming face down. He rolled to the edge and fell right off the bed. He was okay, just a little scared. I asked Wyatt what happened, he said, "oh Weston just fell off the bed".
The end.