First, the "Trent moment".
Okay, so the other day I had a moment....okay, so maybe it was more than 1 moment but who's counting? It is referred to as a Trent moment because Trent was SOOOO accident prone while we were dating and first married. (This goes hand in hand with Trent bites and Trent words...I need to write a whole post on him!) Thankfully his luck has changed, but I seem to have taken over. Anyway, I had a little accident with the van. I wrecked it into the truck. No big deal. I just backed right up and BOOM into the truck I slammed. I'm okay with it now. Probably won't be so okay with it when we check into getting it fixed.
And there was that other incident 2 days later. Like I said, who's counting? So I almost hit an old man walking down the street....totally wasn't my fault. Key word...ALMOST....I did not actually hit him. He did slam his hands on the hood of the van, but he didn't have to. I was turning out of our street and he was walking down the wrong side of the road. I looked but didn't see him, looked the other way and then turned out into the street. When I turned, he was right there slamming his hands on the hood screaming mean words. The boys call him "that rude man". The way I see it, he should have waited until I pulled out of the street before crossing it. I call it common sense, but whatever. Trent has been laughing at me for weeks now. (yes this actually happened a couple of weeks ago but I'm just now "okay" enough with it to post!)
Trent's ammo below:
Now on to the kiddo goodness. Much better right? At 6yrs, 3yrs, and 1 yr they are full of wisdom and silliness....and dirt and noise because that's what little boys are made of. Just come on over if you want proof. It's very loud and there is always, always, always dirt, food, toys or some other form of yuckiness on the floor. ALWAYS.

At 6 years old, Will amazes me with how smart he is! He's doing algebra (7 + blank = 11) and he fills in the blank. He's a great speller (did NOT get that from me!). He can spell METAMORPHOSIS. Wild right? He is very much a "natural leader" as his teacher says. Which also comes with a bit of bossiness. Last month at the top of a water slide at a water park, a little girl was behind him and saying “go go go”. Will slides down, waits at the bottom of the slide for her
and then tells her “you know, you really need to learn to be more patient.” He is also very open and honest and doesn't like to be in trouble. He has gotten "in trouble" once at school. He got a “yellow” on his behavior (warning). As soon as he got in the car he starts talking about it (he was very upset). “You know why I got a yellow on my behavior today? Because I didn’t put my name on my paper but I didn’t hear Mrs. Braswell tell me to do it. She said it like 13 times and I didn’t hear her. But she just didn’t know I have a problem with my hearing.” I say to him, “but Will you don’t have a problem with your hearing.” He says, “yeah I do mom. Don’t you remember last year in Kindergarten when I had to go to Dr Willis all those times and he hooked up those things to my ear and I had to say what I heard and I had a hearing problem.” I told him that the last time they checked his hearing was fine and he didn’t have a problem anymore. With a shocked and kinda sad face he says, “oh, okay then”.
He's playing goalie in soccer this year. It's the first year they have goalies! He loves it and does a really good job....when he's not posing for pictures instead of watching the game!!
Here are Will and Wyatt with their mean goalie faces!
Oh, Wyatt....sweet, sweet Wyatt.
3 years old. I love this age. He says the funniest things! Every day he asks, "mom, is it tomorrow?" "no, Wyatt, it's's always today." We go through this ritual each morning. A good way to bring in days of the week!
He was talking about Will the other day and said we needed to do something "because he'll be a teenager here in a couple of seconds."
Playing the I love you more game. He says, "I love you more than cartoons." I say, "I love you more than everything." He stops, gets quiet and says, "no mom, you can't do that. You have to love God more."
Wyatt seems to "accidentally" do alot of things. He said, “hey mom. I’m sorry. I accidentally drank that old coffee.” I said, “how did you accidentally drink it?” he said, “I accidentally walked over,
accidentally grabbed the cup and accidentally put it to my mouth and drank it.” I said, “was it good” he said “no, it was old”.
He likes soda's but never gets to drink them. They drink milk, apple juice or water around here. While at church camp this weekend, he got a Pepsi out of the cooler and started drinking it and drinking it and drinking it. He looks up and says, "uh oh mom. I accidentally drank all of it."
We were going to meet a friend at the playground…Wyatt throws his hand to his head and says “ohhh”. I say, “what are you excited?” he says, “I’m embarrassed excited”.
He is very serious about soccer this season. He has scored a few goals already! Check out that game face!
Weston....oh Weston...wild, crazy, 1 year old Weston is into everything! Especially this bucket. Don't know what it is about this bucket but all the babies seem to love it!
No mom, I didn't pull all those cups out of the cabinet.....Nope, not me!
If there is a way to climb it....he will do it! Please stay in the boat Weston!
It always comes back to that sweet, adorable smile. Gets him out of trouble every time! It's terrible to fuss at him because he'll cut his eyes at you, smile and give you a giant hug WITH an audible kiss. Then he'll start laughing...see below! How can you be mad at that?!