Our last day in Disney World. :( But it was a fun one! We had promised Will that we would come back to Hollywood Studios so he could participate in Jedi Training and fight Darth Vader. The first time we saw this attraction, we decided it wasn't a good idea to stand in the extremely LONG line but we would come back and do it first thing on another day. On our last day, thinking we could beat the crowds,we rushed straight there as soon as the gates opened. In the few minutes it took to walk to Star Wars, the first 2 shows were already full and it was now a 2 hour wait!! This "training" is for 4-12 year olds so Will and Landon both got to fight, but they only take 15 kids per show (hence the super long wait). Luckily the kids don't have to wait the entire time, as long as they are in line 20 minutes prior to their show, it's fine. SOOO, Trent and Brent volunteered to wait the whole 2 hours in the hot sun! What great dad's!

While the "rent" dad's were tirelessly waiting in line, we decided to take the kids to other rides, etc. Papa decided he would enjoy this break and found a nice shady bench to sit and relax. He also, very generously, offered to watch Weston while we ventured off for a little bit. We were at Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground when Rachel decided she (and her kids) were ready to go back. The rest of this story is from her as Nannie and I were enjoying the playground! Rachel walks up and sees a look of panic on dad's face. Apparently while everyone was gone, Weston was in papa's lap and started grunting pretty heavily. As any experienced diaper changer would do, Papa lets him finish his business before changing the diaper prematurely. All was well until Papa noticed the diaper wasn't holding all the "business". It was now running down Papa's leg and up Weston's back. Here he was stuck on a park bench in the middle of Hollywood Studios with no one around to help. *look of panic begins* He has to cover the stroller so he can lay Weston down without contaminating everything, find the diapers, wipes, and extra clothes in the makeshift diaper bag (which is a hiking backpack packed FULL with extra snacks, drinks, ponchos, everything we might need for a day at Disney) and do all of this while keeping little Weston from screaming. He successfully manages to find everything and change Weston in the stroller -which is not easy even with a "clean" diaper! And Rachel walks up right as he is gathering up the "dirty" clothes. Whew!! What a nice, relaxing rest in the park! Nannie and I return once everything is done and get a good, sympathetic laugh at the story.
Meanwhile, the "rent's" are just about finished with the waiting marathon, Will and Landon get chosen for the upcoming show and we are ready to see our little padawans in action.
Will and Landon with tickets in hand! |
They get their robes and light sabers and listen to the "jedi master" on how to fight Darth Vader.
Do a little practice fighting....
Then enter Darth Vader!

He talks to them in true Star Wars fashion about coming over to the "dark side" and the jedi master is right there telling them to be strong and use "the force".
They each get a turn one on one with Darth Vader...
Padawan Will |
Padawan Landon |
They have learned quickly and Darth Vader turns to leave in defeat.
Watch out for the storm troopers!!
The force is with them as they rally him off the stage.
What a great show! Totally worth the wait right?! Yep, totally worth it!
For the rest of the afternoon,we head over to Epcot to visit the countries and get a couple of cool souvenirs from Nannie and Papa.
Wyatt in his Pluto hat. |
Will and his Pluto doggy. |
We saw a cool sunset through the pyramid....
And ended the day like this.....Yes they had to sleep with their new toys!
Even Weston slept with his new Goofy (for a minute!) |
Thanks Nannie and Papa for our Magical Memories!!