Okay, this day did not start off so hot! Wyatt had a dentist appt at what I thought was 9:30. We woke up late but still with plenty of time, 8:00. I get Wyatt ready for breakfast and we go downstairs to eat. I happen to check the calendar and realized the appt was at 8:30, not 9:30!! This was at 8:05!! I go to automatic panic mode and we rush around and make it out the door by 8:15. I'm rushing down the bypass to make it on time and finally get to the area of Hendersonville where I need to be. Of course there is a school zone so that distracted me, so I turned down the wrong road. I realized the mistake, turned around and continued down the main road. After a few minutes, I realized I'm not in the right place at all!!! At that point I panic again because I CANNOT remember where this dentist is!!! I had to call Dad and ask him to look up on the internet and tell me where I was going!! This was about the 4th time I had been to this dentist so I should have known where it was right?! Anyway, we finally made it and only 15 minutes late. The funny part is we were finished and back in the car at 9:05. All that rushing around for such a short visit!!
We are also getting ready for Wyatt's 2nd birthday this week! He turns 2 the day before Halloween. He's so excited about his party at Papa and Nannie's house! We're having a hayride and bonfire and all sorts of fall fun! Hopefully it won't rain but we'll just have to see what happens.
Before I forgot, I want to add, once again, some things that Will says. He talks like a grown up so when he has trouble saying something, it sounds so funny! My favorite words for him to say are refrigerator and elephant. You would think these would nice normal words, but he says "refrigulator and efelant". It cracks me up every time!! He doesn't even realize he's saying them different. You just have to know Will... self confidence is not something he lacks!!
Well, that's all for now. Update and pictures soon from the birthday party and Halloween!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Couponing is contagious!
Several of my friends are what I would call "Extreme Couponers". After hearing their stories and wonderful deals, I have become very interested in this whole couponing thing. I'm talking about deals like $150 worth of groceries for $30 and sometimes actually receiving money back from the cashier when checking out!!! It's really unbelievable but true. Now, to be this extreme, you have to be VERY good at collecting and organizing coupons as well as knowing all the tricks of the trade. I typically grocery shop at Wal-Mart but have recently switched to Publix for the coupon thing. They double coupons up to a certain amount, accept competitors coupons and you can stack multiple coupons per item (manufacturer and store). They have great sales that you can also use the coupons on top of and it works out great from what I've heard! Most of the girls say they save around 50% per trip! That's worth the time and effort to me!!!
For my first real venture today, I did pretty good. (I went last week too but didn't have that many coupons and didn't really understand all the tricks). Today, I spent $113 and saved $45!! That's around a 30% savings...not bad for my first try!!! I'm still learning and it takes a while to collect enough coupons to get the big savings but I'm happy with saving $45!!!!
The website that gives all the great info is www.southernsavers.com . They also gave a hint today on restaurant deals. I bought a $25 gift certificate for Septembers for ....wait for it... $2!!!!
It must be the new baby coming that has me all into saving money. Sort of a nesting thing maybe. I actually researched online today the cheaper place to buy diapers with this certain coupon I had. I literally broke it down to how much per diaper, found the deal and I'm going tomorrow to get them. We also changed our health benefits last night for annual enrollment and will be saving approx. $1400 per year!! ($2400 on premium savings but will probably pay about $1000 of that back with out of pocket expenses) My next big thing is to determine if refinancing our current mortgage is going to be worth the cost. The interest rates are really low but we're just not decided if it will be worth it or not. Anyway, I just get so excited about good deals and have to share my excitement!!
It's so great to save money!
For my first real venture today, I did pretty good. (I went last week too but didn't have that many coupons and didn't really understand all the tricks). Today, I spent $113 and saved $45!! That's around a 30% savings...not bad for my first try!!! I'm still learning and it takes a while to collect enough coupons to get the big savings but I'm happy with saving $45!!!!
The website that gives all the great info is www.southernsavers.com . They also gave a hint today on restaurant deals. I bought a $25 gift certificate for Septembers for ....wait for it... $2!!!!
It must be the new baby coming that has me all into saving money. Sort of a nesting thing maybe. I actually researched online today the cheaper place to buy diapers with this certain coupon I had. I literally broke it down to how much per diaper, found the deal and I'm going tomorrow to get them. We also changed our health benefits last night for annual enrollment and will be saving approx. $1400 per year!! ($2400 on premium savings but will probably pay about $1000 of that back with out of pocket expenses) My next big thing is to determine if refinancing our current mortgage is going to be worth the cost. The interest rates are really low but we're just not decided if it will be worth it or not. Anyway, I just get so excited about good deals and have to share my excitement!!
It's so great to save money!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
First Belly Pics :)
Yes, I’m one of those people that take pictures of their belly during different stages of the pregnancy. I have a nice scrapbook page of belly progression for each of the boys! I’m sure they’ll thank me for that later :)
So here goes…the first of the belly pictures. It kind of amazes me how after 2 babies, my tummy is nice and prepared to get HUGE for this baby! I’m only 9 weeks, and, although not in maternity clothes yet, the belly is already noticeable! I guess I'm at that point where strangers would think, "I wonder if that lady is pregnant? or maybe it's just a big gut"
So here goes…the first of the belly pictures. It kind of amazes me how after 2 babies, my tummy is nice and prepared to get HUGE for this baby! I’m only 9 weeks, and, although not in maternity clothes yet, the belly is already noticeable! I guess I'm at that point where strangers would think, "I wonder if that lady is pregnant? or maybe it's just a big gut"
9 weeks and 1 day
This morning before my walk...you can't see it here, but my belly button is already starting to poke out!! That didn't happen with the others until SEVERAL months along!
Just for comparison, I added a picture of my "Will Pregnancy". This picture is taken at 17 weeks. And I thought I was showing then.....
whew....it won't be long...I think I can here the maternity clothes calling to me from the attic. I refuse to put them on at 9 weeks when I didn't even need them at 17 weeks with Will!! We'll see how long I can hold out :)
Friday, October 16, 2009
Will's 5th Birthday Party
For Will's 5th birthday we booked a jumpy place called Pump It Up. It was so much fun and the kids had a blast (the adult kids did too!). We had both jump rooms to ourselves and then we went to the "party room" for cake, ice cream and presents. Will got to sit in on a "throne" to open presents and he loved it! It was hard to get pictures of the kids playing becuase they were so fast! They never slowed down enough for pictures!! As you can see, most of the pics are of the backs :) Will is in the green shirt and gray shorts.
An obstacle course on each side and then race down the slides for the finish.

Drew trying to show Trent up with the hullahoop...are they brothers or 12 year old girls?!

Another giant slide

This was a capture the flag thing. The kids played in it for a while, but the big kids had it most of the time!

Wyatt saying "Cheese"

Will climbing the rock wall. He didn't get much farther than this :) Some of the other kids climbed all the way to the top!
An obstacle course on each side and then race down the slides for the finish.
Wyatt is brave but Trent is with him taking him through!
Climbing up to go down a slide
This one was fun, it had big "q-tip" things like the gladiators (although, the kids really didnt get into that, they just prefer pushing)!
Like I said, the big kids liked it too! This is Trent attempting to hullahoop! You can't really tell here, but he was already VERY sweaty from playing in all the jumpy things!
Drew trying to show Trent up with the hullahoop...are they brothers or 12 year old girls?!
Another giant slide
This was a capture the flag thing. The kids played in it for a while, but the big kids had it most of the time!
Wyatt saying "Cheese"
Will climbing the rock wall. He didn't get much farther than this :) Some of the other kids climbed all the way to the top!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
What did he say?
The boys are constantly saying things that catch us off guard. I can't possibly remember them all, but a few stick out and I want to write them down. The boys are so funny at this age and although I feel like a referee most of the time, I find that I am also laughing ALOT!
The other day Will was being mean to Wyatt and started feeling guilty I guess. I don't know, maybe he just felt the need to explain. He said, "you know why I was being mean? Because I just had an accident from being nice." The tone in his voice was like that was totally logical and it must be okay because it was just an accident!
Trent told me this story yesterday about Will. He was picking him up from school and Will had said something smarty pants to a friend before leaving. The girl said, "Will, your dad is here." and Will replied "I know that...I am 5 now." Trent corrected him and said, "Will - just because you are 5 doesn't mean you know everything." Will said, "Yes I do". Then Trent said, "Okay then, I bet you don't know what 100 plus 100 is?" Will thought for a second and replied, "Yes I do...It's a number". Again, completely logical!
Wyatt's favorite phrase right now is "monkey shower, ha ha". This comes from the theme song of the Phineas and Pherb cartoon. They say something about giving a monkey a shower and Wyatt laughs and laughs. Then he goes around all day saying, "Monkey shower ha ha".
He also loves to say "puddin head". It sounds curiously similar to "booty head" when he says it but he gets in trouble for saying that so he insists it's "puddin head".
It's also pretty funny when he gets frustrated at Will and screams the last word in the phrase. Like "no touch my FEEEETTTT!"
The pictures from Will's birthday party and bottom view farms are coming soon.....
The other day Will was being mean to Wyatt and started feeling guilty I guess. I don't know, maybe he just felt the need to explain. He said, "you know why I was being mean? Because I just had an accident from being nice." The tone in his voice was like that was totally logical and it must be okay because it was just an accident!
Trent told me this story yesterday about Will. He was picking him up from school and Will had said something smarty pants to a friend before leaving. The girl said, "Will, your dad is here." and Will replied "I know that...I am 5 now." Trent corrected him and said, "Will - just because you are 5 doesn't mean you know everything." Will said, "Yes I do". Then Trent said, "Okay then, I bet you don't know what 100 plus 100 is?" Will thought for a second and replied, "Yes I do...It's a number". Again, completely logical!
Wyatt's favorite phrase right now is "monkey shower, ha ha". This comes from the theme song of the Phineas and Pherb cartoon. They say something about giving a monkey a shower and Wyatt laughs and laughs. Then he goes around all day saying, "Monkey shower ha ha".
He also loves to say "puddin head". It sounds curiously similar to "booty head" when he says it but he gets in trouble for saying that so he insists it's "puddin head".
It's also pretty funny when he gets frustrated at Will and screams the last word in the phrase. Like "no touch my FEEEETTTT!"
The pictures from Will's birthday party and bottom view farms are coming soon.....
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
What We've Been Up To....
Whew....we have been up to alot these past few weeks. We celebrated Will's 5th birthday!! (Still can't believe he is 5...more than that, still can't believe he'll start kindergarten next year!) We tolerated my 29th birthday :) Okay, it was a celebration too, at least it wasn't the dreaded 30th!! We have been painting the house and are finally finished with the downstairs. I was extremely excited about this because everything is back in place instead of all clumped up in the middle of the rooms. It looks great too! The upstairs, however, can wait a WHILE!!
I joined a stay at home mom's group a couple of months ago and me and the boys have been having lots of fun with them these past few weeks going on fun play dates. We are right in the middle of soccer season so that's in full swing. Trent and I are trying to figure out how to squeeze the boys into the same bedroom to make room for baby. We have determined that 2 twin beds aren't the best option because it leaves no room for play. We're contemplating bunk beds, so we've been looking around on craigslist for a good deal. Pregnancy note: Each day I seem to be just a little more tired than the day before...this baby is wearing me out! Or it may be the other 2 kids, not sure exactly :) I went for my first check up today and everything was fine. I'm 8 weeks but they didn't try to listen for the heartbeat yet so I was kinda bummed! They asked how I was doing so far and I told him about being so tired, his reply, "well, the good news is that will pass...in about 17 years". Nothing like a little doctor humor :) Due date is still the same, May 25th. The next visit I'll be 12 weeks and the tiredness, nauseousness, etc should be gone. They will also listen for the heartbeat!!
I guess that's all for now...gotta go start supper. Here are some pics from visiting Triple Creek Park and Madison Creek Farms.
Next post...Will's Birthday party and our visit to Bottom View Farms.

Wyatt is already chasing after the girls...uh oh

This game is called "Lets get Will"

Uh...so...what are we looking for exactly?

Look, It's a bird, it's a plane, NO it's a TRACTOR!!!

Gotta get down fast...love the crazy Wyatt look :)

Watching the tractor....

Hey girls, come look....

Wyatt and I visited Madison Creek Farms with our play group. It was on a school day for Will, so he missed it, maybe next time he can go. Wyatt got to feed chickens, find eggs, pet a baby donkey and baby goat, pick flowers, see a rooster and a pig...... all in all a very fun day!

Chicken eating food Wyatt just threw out

He was very cautious...never got too close!
I joined a stay at home mom's group a couple of months ago and me and the boys have been having lots of fun with them these past few weeks going on fun play dates. We are right in the middle of soccer season so that's in full swing. Trent and I are trying to figure out how to squeeze the boys into the same bedroom to make room for baby. We have determined that 2 twin beds aren't the best option because it leaves no room for play. We're contemplating bunk beds, so we've been looking around on craigslist for a good deal. Pregnancy note: Each day I seem to be just a little more tired than the day before...this baby is wearing me out! Or it may be the other 2 kids, not sure exactly :) I went for my first check up today and everything was fine. I'm 8 weeks but they didn't try to listen for the heartbeat yet so I was kinda bummed! They asked how I was doing so far and I told him about being so tired, his reply, "well, the good news is that will pass...in about 17 years". Nothing like a little doctor humor :) Due date is still the same, May 25th. The next visit I'll be 12 weeks and the tiredness, nauseousness, etc should be gone. They will also listen for the heartbeat!!
I guess that's all for now...gotta go start supper. Here are some pics from visiting Triple Creek Park and Madison Creek Farms.
Next post...Will's Birthday party and our visit to Bottom View Farms.
Triple Creek Playground
Will is king of the mountain...you can guess what comes next!
Wyatt is already chasing after the girls...uh oh
This game is called "Lets get Will"
Uh...so...what are we looking for exactly?
Look, It's a bird, it's a plane, NO it's a TRACTOR!!!
Gotta get down fast...love the crazy Wyatt look :)
Watching the tractor....
Hey girls, come look....
Wyatt and I visited Madison Creek Farms with our play group. It was on a school day for Will, so he missed it, maybe next time he can go. Wyatt got to feed chickens, find eggs, pet a baby donkey and baby goat, pick flowers, see a rooster and a pig...... all in all a very fun day!
Chicken eating food Wyatt just threw out
He was very cautious...never got too close!
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